When approved by the Mayor, the Administrative Director and/or the Service Director are hereby authorized and empowered to employ or engage the professional services of a registered engineer to perform, in connection with the construction or installation of any public improvement, the various professional services required for such studies, including planning, estimates, conferences, general and detail plans and specifications, proposals, surveys, profiles, inspection, supervision, negotiations, maps, tests and such other general and special engineering services as may be required. Compensation may be paid for such professional engineering services on the basis of a percentage of the entire cost of construction in accordance with the fee schedule recommended by the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers contained in their Code of Professional Practice for Professional Engineering Services. All other fees shall be in accordance with the Code of Professional Practice, the current edition, by the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers. All fees are payable in such installments as the Administrative Director or the Service Director may authorize, but based upon the progress of the project. The engineering services shall be engaged by written agreement in a form approved by the Director of Law. The cost of any special engineering services shall be added to and be a part of the cost of the public improvement for which such services are obtained and the Director of Finance is hereby authorized and empowered to pay for the cost of such engineering services upon the written requisition of the Administrative Director or the Service Director and to charge the same to the cost of the public improvement. In the determination of the cost of the public improvement, no credit shall be made for the cost of land, right of way or compensation for or damage to property. The drawings and specifications, together with all documents, tracings and field notes, shall be and remain the property of the City.
(Ord. 43-1975. Passed 3-3-75.)