1331.01 Definition of unsafe and unsanitary buildings.
1331.02 Warnings.
1331.03 Scope.
1331.04 Other regulations.
1331.05 Validity.
1331.06 Enforcement authority.
1331.07 Official records.
1331.08 Notices and orders.
1331.09 Inspections.
1331.10 Right of entry.
1331.11 Examination and recording.
1331.12 Uncovering defects.
1331.13 Minimum maintenance standards.
1331.14 Unsafe building orders.
1331.15 Prosecution.
1331.16 Demolition or repair orders.
1331.17 Emergencies.
1331.18 Restraining actions.
1331.19 Failure to comply.
1331.20 Salvage materials.
1331.21 Means of appeal.
1331.99 Penalty.