The City, for the purpose of establishing a more efficient and satisfactory service, establishes a policy that there shall be no provision of water services to any real property located outside the corporate limits of the City without an agreement by the owner(s) of said real property to sign a petition for annexation to the City immediately upon said real property becoming contiguous to the City. Such agreement may name the Mayor, or his or her designee, as the agent for annexation proceedings pursuant to R.C. Chapter 709.
(Ord. 2017-128. Passed 9-5-17.)
Beginning July 1, 2018, the City will only allow master metering systems for any mobile or modular home parks within the City. Mobile and/or modular homes will be metered, read, and billed by the mobile home park management. All current (and future) mobile home parks will be billed via the master meter measuring all consumption (water and sewer) that services the area.
(Ord. 2017-171. Passed 11-20-17.)
O.A.C. Chapter 3745-95 requires the public water supplier to protect the public water system from cross-connections and prevent backflow situations. The public water supplier must conduct cross-connection control inspections of their water customer's property to evaluate cross-connection hazards.
(a) No person shall install or maintain a water service connection to any premises where actual or potential cross-connections to the City Water System may exist unless such actual or potential cross-connections are abated or controlled to the satisfaction of the City; and
(b) No person shall install or maintain a connection between the City Water System and an auxiliary water system unless the auxiliary water system, the method of connection and the use of such system have been approved by the Water Treatment Plant Operator and by the director as required by R.C. § 6109.13.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) No person shall deposit any dirt or other material on or in any public curb box, valve box, or tamper in any way to prevent the use of such by the City or its agents.
(b) No person shall park any vehicle, or otherwise block access to curb stop for the prevention of shutting, opening, or any other use of the curb stop. Persons refusing to move vehicles may be subjected to towing at the owners cost.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) No person shall repair, alter, extend, enlarge or replace any service pipe or attach a branch service to a pipe, or in any way change a connection to a main, unless a permit has been granted by the Safety-Service Director or the Superintendent of Public Utilities to the owner of the premises upon application made by such owner. There shall be no fee for the required permit.
(b) Specifications regarding installation shall be as follows:
(1) Minimum depth, forty-eight inches;
(2) Minimum water service size of three-fourths of an inch or as required by the City;
(3) Pipe material: Type K copper with flare-style fittings or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with compression fittings and pipe stiffeners.
(c) Installation shall be performed by:
(1) The owner-occupant of a single-family dwelling;
(2) An excavating and trenching contractor registered with the City Building Department; or
(3) Trenching by an excavating and trenching contractor and connection at the curb box by a master plumber, each registered with the City Building Department.
(d) The entrance point into the building shall be appropriately sealed to prevent moisture penetration into the building.
(e) The Division of Utilities shall be called for an inspection prior to covering up any connections, the piping and the entrance point into the building.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) The enforcement of this chapter shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Director of Public Service, together with the Director of Utilities, may from time to time adopt.
(b) Except as otherwise set forth by the Ohio Revised Code or the Codified Ordinances of the City of Elyria, any violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, incurring a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), or imprisonment of not more than thirty days, or both, for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)