The following standards apply to all water supply, sanitary sewerage and waste disposal systems not otherwise regulated by the Ohio Revised Code:
(a) All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems;
(b) New and replacement sanitary sewerage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharge from the systems into flood waters; and,
(c) On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to or contamination from them during flooding.
(Ord. 2008-90. Passed 7-7-08.)
(a) All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage and are subject to all applicable standards in these regulations.
(b) All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
(c) All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage.
(d) In all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data are not available, the applicant shall provide a hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis that generates base flood elevations for all subdivision proposals and other proposed developments containing at least fifty lots or five acres, whichever is less.
(e) The applicant shall meet the requirement to submit technical data to FEMA in Section 1386.21(a)(1)D. when a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis is completed that generates base flood elevations as required by subsection (d) hereof.
(f) All preliminary plans for platted subdivisions shall identify the flood hazard area and the elevation of the base flood.
(g) All final subdivision plats will provide the boundary of the special flood hazard area, the floodway boundary, and base flood elevations.
(h) In platted subdivisions, all proposed lots or parcels that will be future building sites shall have a minimum buildable area outside the natural (non-filled) one percent chance annual floodplain. The buildable area shall be large enough to accommodate any primary structure and associated structures such as sheds, barns, swimming pools, detached garages, on-site sewage disposal systems, and water supply wells, if applicable.
(i) Approval shall not be given for streets within a subdivision, which would be subject to flooding. All street surfaces must be located at or above the base flood elevation.
(Ord. 2008-90. Passed 7-7-08.)
(a) New construction and substantial improvements shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy. Where a structure, including its foundation members, is elevated on fill to or above the base flood elevation, the requirements for anchoring and construction materials resistant to flood damage are satisfied.
(b) New construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with methods and materials resistant to flood damage.
(c) New construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed and/or elevated so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding.
(d) New construction and substantial improvement of any residential structure, including manufactured homes, shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above the flood protection elevation. In Zone AO areas with no elevations specified, the structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated at least two feet above the highest adjacent natural grade. Support structures and other foundation members shall be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect as designed in accordance with ASCE, Flood Resistant Design Construction.
(e) New construction and substantial improvements, including manufactured homes, that do not have basements and that are elevated to the flood protection elevation using pilings, columns, posts, or solid foundation perimeter walls with openings sufficient to allow unimpeded movement of flood waters may have an enclosure below the lowest floor provided the enclosure meets the following standards:
(1) Be used only for the parking of vehicles, building access, or storage; and
(2) Be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer or architect to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters; or
(3) Have a minimum of two openings on different walls having a total net area not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area, and the bottom of all such openings being no higher than one foot above grade. The openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters.
(f) Manufactured homes shall be affixed to a permanent foundation and anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors.
(g) Repair or rehabilitation of historic structures upon a determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a historic structure and is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure, shall be exempt from the development standards of this section.
(h) In AO Zones, new construction and substantial improvement shall have adequate drainage paths around structures on slopes to guide floodwaters around and away from the structure.
(Ord. 2008-90. Passed 7-7-08.)
(a) New construction and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall meet the requirements of Section 1386.28(a) through (c) and (e) through (h).
(b) New construction and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other non-residential structure shall either have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above the level of the flood protection elevation; or, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, shall meet all of the following standards:
(1) Be dry floodproofed so that the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water to the level of the flood protection elevation;
(2) Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy; and,
(3) Be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect, through the use of a Federal Emergency Management Agency Floodproofing Certificate, that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) hereof.
(c) In Zone AO areas with no elevations specified, the structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated at least two feet above the highest adjacent natural grade.
(Ord. 2008-90. Passed 7-7-08.)
Relief to the elevation or dry floodproofing standards may be granted for accessory structures containing no more than 600 square feet. Such structures must meet the following standards:
(a) They shall not be used for human habitation;
(b) They shall be constructed of flood resistant materials;
(c) They shall be constructed and placed on the lot to offer the minimum resistance to the flow of floodwaters;
(d) They shall be firmly anchored to prevent flotation;
(e) Service facilities such as electrical and heating equipment shall be elevated or floodproofed to or above the level of the flood protection elevation; and
(f) They shall meet the opening requirements of Section 1386.28(e)(3).
(Ord. 2008-90. Passed 7-7-08.)
Recreational vehicles must meet at least one of the following standards:
(a) They shall not be located on sites in special flood hazard areas for more than 180 days, or
(b) They must be fully licensed and ready for highway use, or
(c) They must meet all standards of Section 1386.28.
(Ord. 2008-90. Passed 7-7-08.)