EDITOR’S NOTE: Resolution R2012-21, passed December 3, 2012, adopted revised Design Review Guidelines. Ordinance 2003-64, passed May 5, 2003, adopted regulations for the Downtown Storefront Renovation Program (SRP). Copies of this legislation can be obtained from the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. Resolution R2003-30 was repealed by Resolution R2004-1, passed January 5, 2004.
1183.01 Purpose.
1183.02 Plans required.
1183.03 Plan requirements.
1183.04 Submittal of conceptual plans.
1183.05 Submittal of preliminary/final plans.
1183.06 Performance standards.
1183.07 Approval of development plans.
1183.08 Application for building permit.
1183.09 Revision; lapse of approval.
1183.10 Council review; design review.
1183.11 Appeal to the Court of Common Pleas.
Planning Commission - see CHTR. §§ 13.01 et seq.
Design standards - see P. & Z. Ch. 1112
A. The purpose of the design review process is to promote safe, functional and attractive development of commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential areas; to enhance the character of the City's business centers and thoroughfares as a valid general welfare concern; to unify properties, both visually and physically with surrounding land uses; to facilitate a more healthful urban atmosphere; to protect and preserve the unique and cultural features within the City; and to protect the community's property values by enhancing the City's appearance.
B. The design review process shall be a function of Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall review applications, drawings, photographs, material samples, and any other relevant information to promote those qualities in the built environment that bring value to the properties and foster the attractiveness and functional utility of the community as a place to live and work, including a harmonious relationship among structures, landscaping and topography. The Planning Commission may designate City official(s) to act on its behalf to conduct preliminary reviews of all applications and approve projects of a minor nature.
The Planning Commission or its designated representative’s review shall give consideration to the elements of the application, including, but not limited to:
1. Building mass and exterior detail relative to adjacent buildings or site features;
2. Materials, texture and color;
3. Landscaping, screening, buffering, fencing, and lighting;
4. Vehicular and pedestrian access;
5. Signage.
C. In conducting its inquiry and review, the Planning Commission may request from the applicant such additional information, sketches and data as it shall reasonably require. It may call upon experts and specialists for testimony and opinion regarding matters under examination. It may recommend to the applicant changes in the plans it considers desirable and may accept a voluntary amendment to the application to include or reflect such changes. The Planning Commission shall keep a record of its proceedings and shall attach to the application copies of information, sketches and data needed to clearly describe any amendment to it.
D. Council shall from time to time promulgate Design Review Guidelines. City Staff shall review all applications submitted to determine whether they are in compliance with said Guidelines. If an application deviates in any way from the Guidelines, the applicant may appeal to the Planning Commission as set forth herein.
(Ord. 2001-4. Passed 1-16-01; Ord. 2008-105. Passed 7-7-08; Ord. 2010-137. Passed 10-4-10; Ord. 2021-33. Passed 2-22-21.)
Design review approval shall be required for all new buildings, building additions and alterations, signs, fences, parking lots and any other site improvement except in-kind repairs, demolition, and interior alterations, in the zoning districts or uses listed herein. In-kind repairs are ordinary maintenance or repairs of any property, area, or object, provided such work involves no change in material, design, dimensions, texture, color, or outer appearance. Flat roofs, which cannot be seen from the ground, may be replaced with any approved material of any texture or color without design review approval. Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for all projects, other than one-, two-, and three-family residences, in the R-MHL, R-MHH, B-N, B-D, B-G, B-AO, POD, L-I, H-I, and S-I zoning districts and for all bed and breakfast establishments, cemeteries, educational institutions, group homes (except Class I, Type B), noncommercial recreation, nursing homes and parking facilities and for other than one-, two-, and three- family nonconforming uses in any zoning classification.
(Ord. 2001-4. Passed 1-16-01; Ord. 2003-167. Passed 10-6-03.)
All plans or parts thereof shall be prepared and submitted by a State licensed/registered professional such as an engineer, surveyor or architect unless waived by Planning Commission. Plans shall be drawn at a scale of not less than fifty feet to the inch. The plans shall include all of the following items, unless waived by Planning Commission.
A. Survey. A survey of the property including permanent parcel number(s), land ownership and existing and proposed topography. Final plans shall also include a plat for the entire development area showing the street right-of-way, easements, watercourses, retention basins, property line dimensions and bearings; surrounding streets and adjoining lots.
B. Buildings and Structures. The location, size, height, use, general design, color and exterior facade material of all main and accessory buildings or structures and proposed fences or walls.
C. Streets and Sidewalks. The proposed public and private system of circulation including: automobiles, delivery trucks, emergency vehicles and pedestrian details for connection to existing streets and rights of way; methods to control traffic, size and type of pavement.
D. Parking and Loading Areas. The layout, location, dimensions and number of spaces, type of pavement, curbing, design features, screening and landscaping.
E. Utilities. On-site utilities including water lines, fire hydrants, sanitary sewers and storm sewers, including easements and connection to existing or proposed utility service to the project.
F. Outdoor Storage. The location and layout of all areas of all permitted storage or display of any material, vehicle, waste material, products or container for storage including storage enclosures.
G. Signs. The location, size, height, design and material of all signs to be placed on the property and on the outside surfaces of all structures.
H. Landscaping and Lighting. The design and location of all existing vegetation and proposed landscaping areas, open spaces, retention areas, and the location, height, design and specifications of exterior lighting.
I. Fencing and Buffering. The location, size, height and types of plantings, fencing and/or screening to be used as may be required to satisfy the directives of the Planning Commission to separate, screen and/or protect adjoining property.
(Ord. 2001-4. Passed 1-16-01.)
The applicant shall submit five sets of conceptual plans to the Planning Commission secretary. The plans shall be distributed to applicable City departments for review. The Planning Commission secretary shall, within ten days of plan submission, make staff comments available to the applicant. Recommendations by City staff are not exclusive or final. The Planning Commission and staff may make additional recommendations or modifications as provided in Section 1183.05. After staff review, the applicant may submit amended plans to Planning Commission for additional staff review or may submit preliminary/final plans to Planning Commission for their consideration.
(Ord. 2001-4. Passed 1-16-01.)