TPD Technology Park District
1170.01   Purpose.
1170.02   Principally permitted uses.
1170.03   Permitted accessory uses.
1170.04   Maximum height of structures.
1170.05   Minimum yard standards.
1170.06   Landscape buffering.
1170.07   Streets and drives.
1170.08   Utilities and storm water management.
1170.09   Screening of trash collection areas.
1170.10   Off-street parking.
1170.11   Signage.
1170.12   Site lighting.
1170.13   Outdoor storage.
1170.14   Performance standards.
1170.15   Request for rezoning procedure.
1170.16   Approval of a building permit and certificate of occupancy.
1170.17   Other building and occupancy permits.
1170.18   Application of subdivision regulations.
1170.19   Conditionally permitted uses.
   Definitions see P. & Z. Ch. 1125
   Administration, enforcement and penalty - see P. & Z. Ch. 1127
   Use districts and Zoning Map - see P. & Z. Ch. 1131
   Supplemental district regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1137
   Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1171
   Signs - see P. & Z. Chs. 1173, 1174
   Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1175
1170.01 PURPOSE.
   The TPD Technology Park District is established to provide recognition for a growing number of businesses and industries seeking to develop separate facilities for management headquarters, training areas, research and development operations and offices. Such facilities are often grouped together in order to provide common amenities, such as adequate and convenient parking, service, utilities and a park-like, harmonious atmosphere free from offensive noise, vibration, smoke, odors, glare and other objectionable features. The establishment of such a district requires a predetermined development plan, appropriate screening, adequate separation from other land uses and more stringent controls. It is the primary intent of this District to allow for such areas in order to meet contemporary needs.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
   The following uses, if conducted within an enclosed building or buildings, shall be permitted in TPD Districts:
   A.   Administrative operations (finance, insurance).
   B.   Commercial printing.
   C.   Commercial testing laboratories.
   D.   Communications equipment.
   E.   Computer and electronic repair and calibration.
   F.   Computer operations and data processing.
   G.   Corporate offices or headquarters.
   H.   Design and engineering.
   I.   Drugs and pharmaceuticals.
   J.   Educational services.
   K.   Electronic components.
   L.   Industrial controls.
   M.   Management and professional services.
   N.   Metalworking machinery.
   O.   Office machines.
   P.   Office/research.
   Q.   Public buildings.
   R.   Pilot plants and production facilities.
   S.   Plastic, composite products.
   T.   Research and development.
   U.   Special industry machinery.
   V.   Transportation equipment.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)