A. The minimum planned TPD District area size shall be fifty (50) acres.
B. A perimeter transitional yard not less than sixty (60) feet in depth shall be maintained along all the project boundary lines defining the perimeter of the gross site area of the entire District. Only landscaping and access drives approved by the Planning Commission shall be permitted within the perimeter transitional yard.
C. The minimum District frontage shall be three hundred (300) feet, measured at the street right-of-way line. Any street that was a public street at the time of passage of this chapter on March 21, 1988, even though subsequently vacated and constructed as a private street, shall be a street for purposes of the measurement of the District frontage.
D. Not more than twenty percent (20%) of the District shall be buildings or structures (not including parking lots).
E. Building orientations and minimum separation for principal and accessory buildings shall be as follows:
1. Purposes.
The orientation and minimum separation of all buildings shall be as prescribed below in order to provide:
a. Adequate light and ventilation to protect the health of the occupants and users thereof;
b. Necessary access and maneuvering area for fire-fighting equipment and other emergency vehicles; and
c. A reasonable degree of visual and audible privacy between adjacent buildings for residents and occupants.
2. Standards.
The minimum horizontal distance between facing walls of any two (2) or more buildings on a lot shall be as follows:
a. Two (2) facing walls, both containing a window or windows, shall in no case be less distant from each other than the average height of the facing walls, but not less than forty (40) feet apart.
b. Two (2) facing walls, only one of which contains a window or windows, shall in no case be less than thirty (30) feet apart.
c. Two (2) facing walls, neither of which contains a window or windows, shall in no case be less than twenty (20) feet apart.
d. The shortest distance of separation between corners of the two (2) buildings where there are no facing walls shall not be less than twenty (20) feet.
Facing walls are walls opposite to and parallel with one another or walls which are so oriented that their wall lines extended intersect at an angle of less than sixty-five (65) degrees.
F. Minimum court dimensions for buildings shall be as follows:
1. Outer courts.
The width of any outer court formed by walls on three (3) sides shall be not less than the average height of the opposing walls forming such court, but not less than forty (40) feet. The depth of an outer court shall not be greater than one and one-half times the width.
2. Inner courts.
The dimensions of an inner court formed by walls on all four (4) sides shall not be less than the average height of the walls enclosing such court, but not less than forty (40) feet. An open and unobstructed passageway shall be provided at the grade level of each inner court. Such passageway shall have a cross-section area and sufficient headroom to permit the passage of fire-fighting equipment and shall be continuous from the inner court to a yard or an unobstructed open area between buildings.
G. A TPD District need not utilize lots, but in those Park Districts where the developer proposes to utilize lots, the minimum lot areas and yard standards shall be as follows:
1. Minimum lot size shall be three (3) acres;
2. Minimum set-back requirements shall be as follows:
Yard | Setback Requirements |
Front | 60 feet |
Side (when adjoining a nonresidential property) | 60 feet |
Side (when adjoining a residential property) | 100 feet |
Rear (when adjoining a nonresidential property) | 60 feet |
Rear (when adjoining a residential property) | 100 feet |
3. Lot width (measured at the setback building line) shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet.
4. For corner lots, the building setback from both street right-of-way lines shall be sixty (60) feet.
5. The maximum percentage of the lot to be covered by buildings or structures shall be thirty (30) percent.
6. Buildings and other improvements shall be placed so that the existing topography and landscape shall be disturbed as little as possible and so that the maximum number of desirable trees and other natural features will be preserved.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Landscaping for TPD Districts shall be as follows:
A. General Purpose.
The purpose of this section is to promote the health, safety morals, and general welfare of the residents of the community by providing for open space, visual screening and landscape buffers to remove, reduce, lessen or absorb the shock of impact of incompatible uses of real properties between one use or zone district and another.
B. Specific Intent.
The intent of this section is:
1. To create a park-like environment conducive to the permitted uses;
2. To extend space or to screen undesirable views to reduce the impact of the one land use upon another;
3. To increase soil water retention through landscape requirements;
4. To protect and preserve the appearance and property values of residential uses from adverse effects of adjoining nonresidential uses; and
5. To enhance careful land use planning and not be considered as a substitute for it.
C. General Provisions.
1. Landscape buffering may include, but shall not be limited to, trees, shrubs, bushes, grass cover, earth berms or a combination thereof.
2. Screening shall consist of plant material.
3. Buffering is the act of enhancing or lessening the impact of one (1) area on another.
a. Location and width.
Buffered areas shall be located on those portions of land bordering or abutting (adjacent to) more restrictive zoning districts and shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width, unless varied by the Planning Commission.
b. Use.
Designed buffered areas shall be used for no other purpose than planting or screening, except necessary ingress to or egress from the buffered area.
c. Design.
A buffered area shall be designed to allow for access to easements in order to perform the functions for which such easements were granted and for fire protection purposes.
4. Fencing and walls are not desirable and may be used only as needed for screening and limited storage areas. Natural architectural elements of extension from the building may be used for screening. Chain link and/or perimeter fencing are prohibited. Earth mounding is encouraged to be used in screening applications and where aesthetic values could be gained in their placement.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
All streets and drives shall meet the standards specified by the Planning Commission, but in no event shall they be required to exceed City specifications. Streets in a Technology Park District may be private or public as approved by the Planning Commission. Where not all or substantially all of a District is to be improved initially, the Commission shall authorize the postponement of improvements and no performance guarantee shall be required prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
All Technology Park Districts shall provide for underground installation of electric and telephone utilities, including transformers. Public or private water and sewer facilities shall be available or shall be provided as part of the development. Utilities and maintenance of facilities shall be in accordance with requirements approved by the Planning Commission.
On-site storm water management may include retention ponds, swales and other means and shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Trash and/or garbage collection areas for all buildings shall be enclosed on at least three sides by a decorative solid wall or solid fence of at least four (4) feet in height or such greater height as needed to completely enclose the containers from top to bottom. If such area is not within an enclosed building or structure, such solid wall or solid fence shall be situated so as to screen the view of the collection area from adjacent streets and properties.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
A. Parking areas shall be designed so that each motor vehicle may proceed to and from the parking space provided without requiring the movement of another motor vehicle.
B. The width of entrance and exit drives shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet for one-way use only and a minimum of twenty (20) feet for two-way use.
C. Off-street parking requirements for various uses shall conform to Chapter 1175, except as approved by the Planning Commission. The Commission, upon request, may vary the number of spaces required.
D. All parking spaces and service drives shall be improved with bituminous concrete, Portland cement concrete or equivalent surfacing and so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area.
E. No less than twenty (20) feet of open space shall be provided between any principal building and the curb line of any surface parking area or access drive.
F. The curb line of any surface parking area or access drive shall be at least five (5) feet from any exterior lot line.
G. All dead-end parking lots shall be designed to provide a sufficient back-up area for the end stall.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)