Whenever a division of a parcel of land shown as a unit on the last preceding tax roll (duplicate) is proposed along an existing public street not involving the opening, widening or extension of any street or road, and involving no more than five lots, the division shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for action without a plat. A drawing, based on a survey showing the location of property and giving such other information as may be necessary, as determined by the Building Inspector, shall be required. If the Commission, acting through the Building Inspector, is satisfied that such proposed division is not contrary to applicable platting, subdividing or zoning regulations, it shall, within seven working days after submission, approve such proposed division. On presentation of a conveyance of the parcel, the same shall be stamped "Approved, City of Elyria Planning Commission" and signed by the Building Inspector.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
In planning and developing a subdivision of more than five lots, a developer shall comply with the general principles of design and minimum requirements for the layout of subdivision as set forth in Chapter 1112 of these Regulations, and with the rules and regulations concerning required improvements, as set forth in Chapter 1115 of these Regulations, and in every case shall pursue the following procedure:
(a) Pre-application
(b) Preliminary subdivision plan submission
(c) Final plat submission
(d) Final plat recording
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
It is recommended that at least one week prior to submitting a preliminary subdivision plan to the Planning Commission, the developer, and/or his or her engineer, consult with the Building Inspector, the City Engineer, the City Fire Marshal and the Community Development Director, while the plan is in conceptual form, to discuss all pertinent issues and technical requirements. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to request this optional meeting.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)