The Board of Health or its authorized representative shall, from time to time, make an inspection of each tattoo or body piercing establishment for the purposes of determining that the establishment is in full compliance with the provisions of this chapter. No licensee shall fail to allow such inspection officer access to the premises during the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. or hinder such officer in any manner during such inspection.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
No person granted a license pursuant to this chapter shall operate the tattoo or body piercing establishment under a name not specified in his or her license, nor shall he or she conduct business under any designation or location not specified in his or her license.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
No license shall be transferable except with the prior written consent of the Board of Health and ratification by the Health Commissioner. An application for such transfer shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the Board of Health. The written application for such transfer shall contain the same information as requested in this chapter for the initial application for the license.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
Any operator of a tattoo or body piercing establishment, and all of his or her employees and operators, shall present, upon application for a license, proof of a completed immunization series for Hepatitis B, or proof of immunity to Hepatitis B, through laboratory test results.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
All operators of tattoo and body piercing establishments and all of their employees and operators who perform tattooing or body piercing, including the operation of ear piercing guns, shall wear a clean new pair of disposable gloves made of latex or a similar non-porous material during each tattooing or body piercing procedure or while operating an ear piercing gun.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
(a) All needles or instruments intended to penetrate the skin shall be used only once and disposed of or be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sterilized after each use.
(b) The operator shall ensure that weekly tests of heat sterilization devices shall be performed pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3730.09.
(c) Instruments not intended to penetrate the skin, but which may become contaminated, shall be used only once and disposed of or be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sterilized after each use.
(d) Disposable needles and instruments shall be placed into puncture-resistant containers located as close as practical to the area in which they are used. Disposable needles shall not be recapped, purposely bent, broken, removed from disposable syringes or otherwise manipulated by hand after use, except as permitted in this section.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)