   (a)   No person shall perform a tattooing procedure or a body piercing procedure, except when the procedure is performed on the external ear with an ear piercing gun, unless he or she has a valid and current tattoo or body piercing license issued to him or her by the Board of Health pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   No person shall operate a business that offers tattooing or body piercing services unless the Board of Health has approved the operation of that business pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3730.03.
   (c)   No person shall perform a tattooing or body piercing procedure in a manner that does not meet the safety and sanitation standards established by the Board of Health and the rules adopted under Ohio R.C. 3730.10.
   (d)   No person shall perform a tattooing or body piercing procedure with an instrument that does not meet the safety and sanitation standards established by the Board of Health.
   (e)   No person shall perform a body piercing procedure with an ear piercing gun on any part of the body except the external ear. No person shall perform a tattooing or body piercing or ear piercing procedure with an ear piercing gun in a manner that does not meet the standards for appropriate disinfection and sterilization of invasive equipment or parts thereof according to the rules adopted under Ohio R.C. Chapter 119 and Section 3730.10.
   (f)   No person shall perform a tattooing or body piercing procedure or ear piercing procedure with an ear piercing gun on an individual who is under eighteen years of age unless consent has been given by the individual's parent, guardian or custodian in accordance with subsection (g) hereof.
   (g)   A parent, guardian or custodian of an individual under the age of eighteen who desires to give consent for a tattooing or body piercing or ear piercing procedure to be performed with an ear piercing gun on an individual under the age of eighteen shall do both of the following:
      (1)   Appear in person at the business at the time the procedure is performed;
      (2)   Sign a document provided by the business that provides for such parent's, guardian's or custodian's consent and which document explains the manner in which the procedure will be performed and methods for proper care of the affected body area following performance of the procedure.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)