(a) All needles or instruments intended to penetrate the skin shall be used only once and disposed of or be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sterilized after each use.
(b) The operator shall ensure that weekly tests of heat sterilization devices shall be performed pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3730.09.
(c) Instruments not intended to penetrate the skin, but which may become contaminated, shall be used only once and disposed of or be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sterilized after each use.
(d) Disposable needles and instruments shall be placed into puncture-resistant containers located as close as practical to the area in which they are used. Disposable needles shall not be recapped, purposely bent, broken, removed from disposable syringes or otherwise manipulated by hand after use, except as permitted in this section.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
No tattoo or body piercing establishment operator, or any employee, who has exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis, shall perform any tattooing work or have direct customer contact until the condition has healed completely and the operator or employee is free of symptoms.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
All tattoo and body piercing establishments and operators and employees of the same shall comply with all of the safety, sanitation and health rules and regulations of the State, the City and the City Department of Health. Any failure to so comply shall be grounds to revoke any license issued, after a hearing by the Board of Health or the Health Commissioner. This revocation is in addition to any other penalties provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
Any hearing required pursuant to Section 747.21 shall occur after five days written notice to the owner, operator or employee of the tattoo or body piercing establishment. Such notice is to be delivered personally to such owner, operator or employee, unless such person is not present or refuses to accept such notice, in which case such notice shall be securely affixed to the door of the place of business. Such notice shall specify the reason for the hearing, and the hearing shall be conducted subject to the provisions of Ohio R.C. Chapters 119 and 3730.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
Any appeal from a revocation or denial of a license after a hearing as provided for in Section 747.22 shall be to the Court of Common Pleas and shall be governed by the provisions of Ohio R.C. 119.12 and Chapter 2505.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
No person, whether acting as an individual, owner, employee of the owner, operator or employee of the operator, or whether acting as an agent or independent contractor for the owner, employee or operator, or as a participant or worker, shall violate any provision of this chapter or shall in any way, directly or indirectly, make or perform a tattoo or body piercing operation, or operate a tattoo or body piercing establishment or perform any of the services defined in this chapter, without first obtaining a valid license from the Board of Health for tattoo or body piercing establishments.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)
(a) Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
(b) Subject to the provisions of Sections 501.11 and 501.12 of these Codified Ordinances, an organization convicted under this chapter shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each offense, and an officer, employee or agent for whose conduct the organization is accountable under the laws of the City and the State of Ohio may be imprisoned not more than six months for each such offense.
(Ord. 98-215. Passed 9-8-98.)