   Fees charged by various departments of the City shall be as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 2016-182. Passed 12-4-17.)
   Fees charged by the Division of Engineering shall be as follows:
(a)   Excavation Permits.
In tree lawn
$0.00 deposit
Cutting pavement (less than 16 feet in length)
$400.00 deposit
Cutting pavement (16 feet to 40 feet in length)
$500.00 deposit
Cutting pavement (over 40 feet in length)
$600.00 deposit
(b)   Fee to be Retained by City.
Tree lawn excavation
Cutting pavement
(c)   Sale of Plans and Bidding Documents.
$25.00 minimum
(No additional charges for number of sheets.)
(d)   Mailing Fee for Plans and Bidding Documents.
$15.00 minimum
(NOTE: The Engineering Department may mail the above items and bill the contractor for the fee.)
Photocopies of the plan holders list may be furnished to interested parties without charge.
One set of plans and specifications may be furnished to construction information organizations requesting the materials without charge.
(e)   City Standard Drawings Book.
$20.00 each
(f)   City Construction and Material Specification Book.
$15.00 each
(g)   Copy of Record Drawings.
$2.00 each
(NOTE: Copies of record drawings may be furnished to the consultant and/or contractors working for the City without charge. Copies of record drawings showing City facilities may be furnished to the utilities owner or contractors working in the public right-of-way without charge.)
(h)   Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee for the Pioneer Ridge Subdivision.
$1,500.00 per unit due at the time of issuing building permit.
(i)   Capital Recovery Fee for the West Ridge Estate Pump Station.
Every new construction after July, 2003 which will be discharged through West Ridge Estate Pump Station will be subject to a capital recovery fee as below:
(1)   Single-family residential house
$1,000.00 per unit
(2)   One-bedroom apartment/condo/cluster home
$500.00 per unit
(3)   Two-bedroom apartment/condo/cluster home
$600.00 per unit
(4)   Three-bedroom apartment/condo/cluster home
$700.00 per unit
(5)   Any commercial establishment
$150.00 per unit or amount for usage at the rate of $215.00 per gpm, whichever is greater
(j)   Capital Recovery Fee for Chestnut Ridge Development.
Every new construction east of easterly property line of Chestnut Ridge Road Development No. 1 Subdivision , within the City of Elyria corporation line, connected to existing sanitary sewer on Fieldstone Drive, shall be subject to a capital recovery fee as follows:
(1)   Single-family residential house
$1,000.00 per unit
(2)   One-bedroom apartment/condo/cluster home
$500.00 per unit
(3)   Two-bedroom apartment/condo/cluster home
$600.00 per unit
(4)   Three bedroom apartment/condo/cluster home
$700.00 per unit
(5)   Any commercial establishment
$150.00 per unit or amount for usage at the rate of $215.00 per gpm, whichever is higher.
(k)   Capital Recovery Fee for the SouthEast Interceptor Sewer.
Every connection within the City of Elyria for sewer service to and within the SouthEast Interceptor Sewer Service Area shall be subject to a capital fee of $1,000.00 in addition to all other fees required under Section 933.03 of these Codified Ordinances.
(l)   Capital Recovery Fee for the Murray Ridge Sanitary Sewer.
Any property or properties which are connected to and discharged into the sanitary sewer installed along Murray Ridge Road as per plans prepared by City Engineer in November 2005 shall be subject to capital recovery fees in addition to all other fees required under Section 933.03 of these Codified Ordinances and as below:
(1)   Single-family house without lateral:
$1,500.00 per unit
(2)   Single-family house with lateral (long):
$4,300.00 per unit
(3)   Single-family house with lateral (short):
$2,626.00 per unit
(4)   Any other development:
$2,000.00 per acre
(m)   Capital Recovery Fee for Griswold Road Sanitary Sewer.
Any property or properties which are connected to and discharged into the sanitary sewer installed along Griswold Road as per plans prepared by City Engineer shall be subject to capital recovery fees in addition to all other fees required under Section 933.03 of these Codified Ordinances and as below:
(1)   Single-family house without lateral:
$1,500.00 per unit
(2)   Single-family house with lateral
$3,350.00 per unit
(3)   Non-residential
$3,825.00 per unit (min.) - $8,025.00 per unit (max.)
Additional fee computation:
1½” water meter $2,200.00
2" water meter size $4,200.00
(4)   Single-family/residential development
$3,000.00 per acre
(5)   Commercial/residential development
$7,650.00 per acre
plus 4% simple interest annually commencing 1/01/2017 and ending 12/31/2042
(n)   Capital Recovery Fee for Middle Avenue Sanitary Sewer.
Any property or properties which are connected to and discharged into the sanitary sewer installed along Middle Avenue as per plans prepared by City Engineer shall be subject to capital recovery fees in addition to all other fees required under Section 933.03 of these Codified Ordinances and as below:
(1)   Single-family house without lateral:
$1,500.00 per unit
(2)   Single-family house with lateral
$2,750.00 per unit
(3)   Commercial/residential development
$2,500.00 per acre
plus 4% simple interest annually commencing 1/01/2013 and ending 12/31/2038
(Ord. 2016-182. Passed 12-4-17.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Section 109.03 was repealed by Ordinance No. 2017-20, passed February 21, 2017.)
   Fees charged by the Division of Fire shall be as follows:
Fire alarm reports (copies in excess of 50 or more)
$.03 per copy
Picture reprint from negative
$.60 each
Alarm monitoring panel (annual hook-up fee)
Special inspections by the Fire Department after working hours
$150.00 per inspection
Stand-by fire protection for fireworks displays and other related events
$500.00 per event
Plan review outside regular working hours
(Regular hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays)
$100.00 per hour
(Ord. 2016-182. Passed 12-4-17.)
   Fees charged by the Division of Police shall be as follows:
Police reports (copies in excess of 50 or more)
$.03 per copy
Special parking permits (social occasions)
Special parking permits (business situations, auctions, etc.)
Shoulder patch
Clip-on tie (regular)
Clip-on tie (extra-long)
Tie bar
Tie tack
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors permit (non-refundable)
New taxicab permit
Renewal of taxicab permit
Replacement of lost taxicab permit
Oversized load permits
Overweight load permits
Police officer supervision of traffic
(unit being either man or car)
Fingerprinting for other than departmental business
Police photographs reprinted per individual print or slide from negatives
$.35 each
Record check for individuals or organizations other than governmental units
City Police Department Jail (except as otherwise provided by contract as approved by City Council)
(Ord. 2016-182. Passed 12-4-17.)
   Fees charged by the Legislative Activities Department shall be as follows:
Ohio Basic Building Code
$145.00 per set
Ohio Fire Code
$66.00 per book
Codified Ordinances w/binders (complete 2-book set through 12-31-15)
$200.00 per set
Codified Ordinances w/o binders (only updated pages through 12-31-15)
Two-volume binder set
$.10 per page
Zoning Code book with Map
Elyria City Charter
Vacation request
Rezoning request
Detachment request
Conditional use request
Plan unit development
Advance written notification of discussion of specific types of Municipal business (per Section 107.06 of the Codified Ordinances)
$5.00 per month
Copy of audio tape
$10.00 per tape
(Ord. 2016-182. Passed 12-4-17.)
   Restriction on Funerals. There shall be no funerals on Sundays, New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day.
   A child shall be considered as an infant through ten years of age. The fees for Babyland are limited to a child and lot size may not exceed 29 inches by 54 inches in dimension.
   Fees charged by the Division of Cemeteries shall be as follows:
   (a)   Services (All Three Locations).
Cost per space - adult
Cost per space - child
Opening/closing - adult
Opening/closing - child
Interment of ashes
Cremation lot space
Disinterment - adult
Reinterment - adult
Disinterment - child
Reinterment - child
Tent - adult/child
Chapel/service - adult/child
Chapel/showing and service for adult/child
Vase setting
Transfer charge
Foundation/stone setting
Foundation/stone setting for veterans
Replace/reset headstone
Brookdale Family Marker Foundation
$25.00 per sq. ft.
Saturday service - commenced prior to 1:00 p.m.
$800.00 per day
Saturday service - commenced after 1:00 p.m.
$1,000.00 per day
Holiday service
Additional fees for services commenced after 2:45 p.m. M-F
$125.00 per service
Cost per space/private memorial marker per ECO 951.13(d)
Columbarium - Saturday service
   (b)   Ridgelawn/North Murray Ridge.
Marker foundations
$20.00 per cubic foot
Regular - 3 feet deep
Monuments - 5 feet deep
   (c)   Niches.
      Companion Columbarium (Niche)
      Cost of interment   $100.00 per urn
Location in Columbarium
Cost of Niche
Perpetual Care
Total Cost
Top row
Second row
Third row
Fourth row
(Ord. 2016-182. Passed 12-4-17; Ord. 2018-37. Passed 4-2-18; Ord. 2019-70. Passed 5-20-19; Ord. 2020-15. Passed 2-3-20; Ord. 2021-175. Passed 11-15-21; Ord. 2022-171. Passed 10-17- 22.)
   Fees charged by the Community Development Department shall be as follows:
   Ohio Enterprise Zone Program monitoring fee
   (1% of dollar value of incentive benefit received)
      Minimum                $500.00
      Maximum               $2,500.00
   Zoning Code Book with map         $13.50
(Ord. 2016-182. Passed 12-4-17.)