Solicitation of Business and Contributions on Highways and Streets
113.01 Solicitation of business prohibited
113.02 Solicitation of contributions
113.03 Distribution of literature
Not-For-Profit Solicitations
113.10 Scope
113.11 Permit required
113.12 Application for permit; who may execute application
113.13 Prerequisites to issuance of permit
113.14 Time of application
113.15 Limits on permits
113.16 Identification badge or emblem
113.17 Public notice required
113.18 Filing of statement showing receipts
Canvassers and For-Profit Solicitors
113.30 Defined
113.31 Exemptions from this subchapter
113.32 Limitations on solicitation; hours of operation
113.33 Registration statement and permit required
113.34 Contents of registration statement
113.35 Permit fee
113.36 Permit not to be issued until three days following application
113.37 Investigation of registrant’s criminal record; action on permit
113.38 Permit to be carried by registrant; exhibiting permit
113.39 Expiration
113.40 Transferability
113.41 Revocation; revoking authority; grounds enumerated
113.42 Notice of revocation; hearing; mailing
113.43 Appeal from refusal or revocation of permit
Peddlers and Itinerant Merchants
113.55 Definitions
113.56 False representations
113.57 Exemptions
113.58 Crying wares upon street; sound devices
113.59 Sunday sales
113.60 Restrictions on use of streets
113.61 Notice to peddlers not to enter premises; form of notice
113.62 Sale of fireworks and firework novelties prohibited
113.63 License required
113.64 Application; issuance; duration generally; contents of application
113.65 Inspection of weights and measures prerequisite to licensing of peddlers
113.66 Action on application; investigation; approval or rejection
113.67 License fee
113.68 Possession and exhibition of license
113.69 Nontransferability
113.70 Revocation; grounds; notice; hearing
113.71 Appeal from denial or revocation of license