A. Right-Of-Way Widths: Right-of-way widths for streets and roads are as follows:
1. Arterial streets: One hundred feet (100').
2. Minor arterial streets: Eighty feet (80').
3. Collector streets: Seventy feet (70').
4. Collector residential streets: Sixty feet (60').
5. Local residential streets: Fifty feet (50').
6. Collector rural residential streets: Seventy feet (70').
7. Local rural residential streets: Sixty feet (60').
B. Rural Roads: All rural roads shall conform to the following requirements and standards:
1. All infrastructure associated with a rural road shall be constructed at the time of road development; including but not limited to culvert installation and pedestrian way, sidewalk or pathway construction.
2. All rural roads shall include a minimum ten foot (10') wide public utility and slope easement located on one or both sides of the road right-of-way; provided, the City may, in its discretion, increase the required width of the foregoing easement if warranted under the circumstances.
3. Rural roads which are projected through a traffic study or similar analysis to serve more than six hundred (600) average daily vehicle trips shall satisfy the collector rural residential street design standard.
4. Pedestrian ways, sidewalks or pathways associated with rural roads shall be constructed of concrete or asphalt. Sidewalks or pathways shall be constructed on both sides of the road and outside of the public utility and slope easement(s).
5. On-street parking on rural roads, except for temporary or emergency parking, is prohibited, and the subdivider shall install appropriate signage to notify the public of this prohibition.
6. To minimize excessive culvert installation and associated maintenance, access approaches for rural roads shall be limited to either: a) one driveway, not to exceed thirty feet (30') in width or b) two (2) separated driveways, each of which shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in width. Culvert installation is required at the time of roadway construction and, without limitation, shall not be deferred.
7. Rural roads are prohibited in subdivisions not meeting the criteria set forth in subsection 3-2-5A5b of this title.
8. Rural roads are prohibited in areas within capture zones as delineated in the City's Wellhead Protection Plan.
9. Maximum cul-de-sac length for rural roads may be increased in dimension to serve no more than twenty (20) residential dwelling units; provided, under no circumstance shall such cul-de-sacs exceed a length of one thousand three hundred sixty feet (1,360').
C. Private Streets: Private streets within a subdivision shall satisfy the requirements and standards applicable to streets with local street classifications, functions and characteristics. Private streets shall only serve an area contained entirely within the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and shall provide access to the public street system at an intersection, the design of which shall be subject to the review and approval by the City. All private streets shall conform to the following requirements and standards:
1. Minimum total width for private streets accessing five (5) or more lots: Fifty feet (50').
2. Minimum total width for private streets accessing four (4) or fewer lots: Thirty two feet (32').
3. Minimum paved section for private streets accessing five (5) or more lots: Forty feet (40').
4. Minimum paved section for private streets accessing four (4) or fewer lots: Twenty six feet (26').
5. All residential private streets accessing twenty (20) or fewer lots shall have a four foot (4') wide sidewalk on at least one side of the street.
6. All residential private streets accessing more than twenty (20) lots shall have four foot (4') wide sidewalks on both sides of the street.
7. All commercial and industrial private streets accessing four (4) or fewer lots shall have a five foot (5') wide sidewalk on at least one side of the street, or as otherwise determined as part of an approved concept development plan.
8. All commercial and industrial private streets accessing more than four (4) lots shall have five foot (5') wide sidewalks on both sides of the street, unless otherwise provided in a development plan entered into between the subdivider and the City.
9. All private streets shall provide for adequate storm drainage and employ the use of curb and gutter sections to convey runoff, the design of which shall be subject to the review and approval of the City.
10. Parking spaces, inclusive of back up areas as required by section 3-2-17 of this title, shall not be located within a private street, unless otherwise provided in a development plan entered into between the subdivider and the City.
11. All infrastructure associated with private streets shall be constructed at the time of street development.
D. Cul-De-Sacs: Cul-de-sac streets shall terminate in a circular right-of-way not less than fifty feet (50') in radius with an improved turning circle with a radius of at least forty five feet (45'). The Planning Commission may approve a functionally equivalent form of turning space if justified by unusual conditions. The maximum length of cul-de-sac streets, as measured along the centerline of the street and between the centerline of the intersecting street and the center point of the cul-de-sac, shall not exceed six hundred eighty feet (680').
E. Marginal Access Streets: Marginal access streets shall conform to all applicable requirements and standards set forth in this Code.
F. Alleys: Where permitted or required, alleys shall have a minimum width of twenty feet (20') and shall conform to the following requirements and standards:
1. Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment should be avoided; provided, where such features are necessary, corners shall be cut off ten feet (10') on each side to permit safe vehicular movement.
2. Dead end alleys are prohibited.
3. "Half" alleys are prohibited.
G. Dead End Streets: Dead end streets are only permitted with the approval of the City, which approval, if given, may contain conditions applicable to the subsequent development of the street; provided, if a dead end street is approved by the City, the street shall include easements permitting the subsequent construction of a temporary turning circle with a fifty foot (50') radius or a functionally equivalent design.
H. All Streets: The design and construction of all streets within the City, including both public and private streets, shall conform to the public improvement standards set forth in section 3-3-17 of this chapter.
I. Model Code Standards: All streets shall conform to any model codes adopted by reference in this Code, to include the Fire Code.
J. Street Grades: Streets shall be designed and constructed subject to the following grade requirements and standards:
1. Maximum Grades:
a. Arterial and minor arterial streets: Maximum grades will be determined by the City based on site-specific conditions.
b. Collector streets: No more than seven percent (7%).
c. Collector residential and local residential streets: No more than nine percent (9%).
2. Minimum Grades: New asphalt streets with concrete gutters shall have a minimum longitudinal slope of 0.50 percent. Minimum grades for the rehabilitation of existing streets will be determined by the City based on site-specific conditions.
3. Exceptions: The Planning Commission may, in its discretion, grant an exception to the minimum and maximum grade requirements contained in this subsection if the cost to the subdivider substantially outweighs the public benefit.
K. Vertical Curves: Streets shall be designed and constructed subject to the following vertical curve requirements and standards:
1. Arterial And Minor Arterial Streets: Vertical curves standards for arterial and minor arterial streets will be determined by the City based on site-specific conditions.
2. Collector And Local Streets: Collector and local streets will be designed and constructed with minimum k values of 30 for crests and 40 for sag curves. Vertical curves are not required when the algebraic difference between the two (2) slopes is less than two percent (2%).
L. Horizontal Alignment: Streets shall be designed and constructed subject to the following horizontal alignment requirements and standards:
1. Horizontal alignment standards for arterial and minor arterial streets will be determined by the City based on site-specific conditions.
2. When tangent centerlines deflect from each other by more than ten degrees (10°) and less than ninety degrees (90°), they shall be connected by a curve having a minimum centerline radius of two hundred feet (200') for collector streets, or one hundred feet (100') for collector residential and local residential streets.
3. Between reverse curves, there shall be a tangent section of centerline not less than one hundred feet (100') long.
4. Streets shall intersect arterial streets at ninety degree (90°) angles. Intersecting collector streets, collector residential streets and local residential streets typically intersect at ninety degree (90°) angles, but in no case shall such an angle of intersection be less than seventy five degrees (75°).
5. Street jogs are prohibited unless the City grants an exception based on site-specific conditions.
6. Local residential streets or collector residential streets intersecting a collector street or arterial street shall have a tangent section of centerline at least one hundred fifty feet (150') in length measured from the right-of-way line of the more major street, except that no such tangent shall be required when the local residential or collector residential street curve has a centerline radius greater than four hundred feet (400') measured from a center located on the more major street right-of-way line.
7. Street intersections with more than four (4) legs and Y-type intersections with legs meeting at acute angles are prohibited.
8. Intersections of street lines shall be rounded by a circular arc having a minimum tangent length of fifteen feet (15'). (Ord. 834, 11-27-2018)