General Provisions
   31.001   Establishment of Executive Branch Departments of city
   31.002   Uniform fee schedule
Police Department
   31.015   Police reserve unit
   31.016   Accident report fees; Firearms Training Fund
   31.017   Bill of rights adopted; rules and regulations adopted; grievance procedure
   31.018   Fingerprinting services
   31.019   Compensatory and vacation time upon retirement, voluntary termination or death
   31.020   Local Law Enforcement Continuing Education Fund
   31.021   Collective bargaining
   31.022   Collective bargaining for certain full- time non-sworn non-exempt Police Department employees
   31.023   Expenditures for buy money or payments to informants
Department of Community Development
   31.035   Creation of Department
   31.036   Function of Department
   31.037   Director and staff
   31.038   Salaries
   31.039   Funds
Department of Economic Development
   31.055   Creation of Department
   31.056   Board members
   31.057   Authority of Mayor
   31.058   Use of funds
Department of Redevelopment
   31.075   Creation of Department
   31.076   Board of Trustees
Department of Parks and Recreation
   31.095   Creation of Department
Department of Water Works
   31.105   Control and supervision
Public Safety Communications Department
   31.115   Establishment of the Public Safety Communications Department
   31.116   Staffing of Department
   31.117   Appointment of Director
   31.118   Control of computer terminal and related records
   31.119   Administrative policies
   31.120   Procedures for responding to calls
Fire Department
   31.135   Collective bargaining
   31.136   Compensatory and vacation time upon retirement, voluntary termination or death
Department of Storm Water Management
   31.145   Adoption of state regulations
   31.146   Creation of Department
   31.147   Board of Directors
   31.148   Terms
   31.149   Special taxing district
   31.150   Governing provisions
   31.151   Financial administration