   (A)   (1)   A fee of $3 per copy is hereby established for providing accident reports filed by officers of the Police Department. Accident report fees are to be deposited into the Accident Report Account as authorized by state law.
      (2)   These fees are to be expended from the Accident Report Account at the discretion of the chief administrative officer of the Police Department for any department purpose reasonably related to the keeping of, accident reports and records of the prevention of street and highway accidents as provided by I.C. 9-3-1-3.
(Ord. 3338, passed 9-29-1981)
   (B)   (1)   There is hereby established a Firearms Training Fund for the Police Department of the city.
      (2)   The Police Department of the city is empowered to collect an application fee of $5 per application with all handgun license applications in accordance with state law. All application fees collected from handgun license applications shall be deposited in the Firearms Training Fund.
      (3)   Monies from the Firearms Training Fund shall be appropriated in accordance with procedures outlined by the state’s Board of Accounts and shall be appropriated exclusively for the purpose of training law enforcement officers in the proper use of firearms or other law enforcement duties.
(Ord. 3339, passed 9-29-1981)
(1979 Code, § 31.06)