General Provisions
70.001 Definitions
70.002 Compliance
70.003 Interpretation and construction
70.004 Applicability
Vehicles and Operation
70.015 Exemptions for authorized emergency vehicles
70.016 Riding on part of vehicle not intended for use of passengers
70.017 Boarding or alighting from vehicles
70.018 Clinging to moving vehicles
70.019 Trees or signs obstructing traffic at street intersections
70.020 Obstruction of streets by railroad trains
70.021 Tractor-trailers
70.022 Street vendors’ vehicles
70.023 Permit for moving large equipment required
70.024 Radar detecting devices
70.025 Direction of traffic by police and fire officials
70.026 Intercity bus routes; operation authority
70.027 Attendant at gasoline or service station
70.028 Offensive or dangerous public garages or other sites declared public nuisance
Parades and Processions
70.040 Parades and processions
70.041 Identification of funeral processions
Traffic Control Devices
70.055 Temporary regulations; testing traffic-control devices
70.056 Traffic control devices; damage, destruction, or absence reports
Traffic Reports
70.070 Annual traffic report
70.071 Damaged vehicles; reports
70.072 Traffic accidents; procedures and reports
Enforcement; Impounding
70.085 Impounding vehicles; procedures after impoundment
70.086 Traffic violation notices
Traffic Bureau
70.100 Creation
70.101 Records; spot maps
70.102 Powers and duties
70.103 Assistance of City Engineer
Cafeteria Court
70.115 Establishment
70.116 Duties
70.117 Records and reports of notices and arrests
70.118 Procedures
70.119 Election to appear at Cafeteria Court or before City Judge
70.999 Penalty