(A)   Whenever a member of the police force of the city shall find that any one or more provisions of this chapter are being or have been violated by the owner or operator of any vehicle and the owner or operator has not thereby caused or is not involved in an accident or collision with any other vehicle or pedestrian, the officer shall give notice to the owner or operator of the vehicle in writing, of the violation. The notice shall be made in triplicate, and shall be serially numbered, and shall show the specific violation charged, the state license number and make of the vehicle, and the owner’s name, if readily available. The notice shall be signed by the officer, who shall state thereon his or her badge number, if any. One copy of the notice shall be presented to the owner or operator of the vehicle. In case the owner or his or her representative shall not be found in possession or in charge of the vehicle, the placing of the notice upon the vehicle shall be deemed a sufficient notice of the violation. It shall be the duty of the officer serving the notice to file one copy thereof in the Office of the Police Traffic Bureau at the close of the day’s work and one copy in the Cafeteria Court.
   (B)   The City Clerk shall provide in triplicate suitable serially numbered forms for notifying violators to appear and answer to charges of violating this chapter or other traffic laws and ordinances. The forms shall be issued to and receipted for by the Chief of Police or other person acting for him or her. The City Clerk shall report each month to the Chief of Police the disposal made by the police of all triplicate forms issued to them. For this purpose, the City Clerk or his or her representative shall have access to the necessary records of the Police Department, the City Traffic Courts, and the Cafeteria Court. These reports shall be public records.
(Prior Code, § 70.087)