(A)   All the dwellings situated within the corporate limits of the city shall be numbered in the manner and according to the system herein prescribed.
   (B)   All the businesses situated within the corporate limits shall continue to adhere to provisions established by the City of Dublin Zoning Code.
   (C)   The owner, agent, lessee, occupant or other person having control of any building within the city to which street numbers have been assigned shall cause the proper Arabic numbers to be placed in a conspicuous place on the front of each dwelling. The numbers shall be displayed in such a manner that they shall at all times be legible and visible from the street pavement in front of such dwelling. If a dwelling stands back more than 45 feet from the front lot line, the number shall be conspicuously displayed at or near the walk, driveway or common entrance to such dwelling at street line on a gate post, fence, mailbox or other appropriate place which will make it legible and visible from street pavement and when approaching can be seen from either direction. As stated in this section, "front" means that side of the dwelling which faces the street on which the number has been allotted.
   (D)   The numbers shall be four inches minimum in height and shall be in contrasting color to that surface on which they are placed.
   (E)   No person without just cause shall remove, alter or deface any house number properly assigned and placed on or near a dwelling. Nor shall any person without just cause place or retain on any dwelling any number other than the one duly assigned if such number could be reasonably mistaken for the assigned street number.
   (F)   No person shall negligently fail to install or maintain the proper numbers as required by this subchapter. This subchapter shall also be retroactive and affect all dwellings within the city.
('80 Code, § 1351.01) (Ord. 143-87, passed 12-21-87; Am. Ord. 24-07, passed 5-21-07) Penalty, see § 150.999