This Part shall apply to the following eligible taxes levied by Dover Township: (a) per capita tax; (b) earned incom and net profits tax; (c) amusement device tax; (d) mercantile license tax; (e) business privilege tax; (f) any other eligible taxes permitted under the Act now or hereafter levied by the Township.
(Ord. 99-1, 1/11/1999, § 2; as amended by Ord. 2005-08, 10/24/2005)
The Township shall adopt by resolution a disclosure statement setting forth the rights of a taxpayer and the obligation of the local taxing authority during an audit or an administrative review of the taxpayer’s books or records, the administrative and judicial procedures by which a taxpayer may appeal or seek review of any adverse decision of the local taxing authority, the procedure for filing and processing claims and taxpayer complaints, and the enforcement procedures. The Township shall notify in the manner provided by law any taxpayer contacted regarding availability of the disclosure statement, and the Township shall make copies of the disclosure statement available to taxpayers upon request at no charge to the taxpayer.
(Ord. 99-1, 1/11/1999, § 3)
Part 8
Local Services Tax
Local Services Tax