1. Every person engaging in a business, trade, occupation or profession, hereinafter listed in Dover Township and maintaining a place, office, or establishment within Dover Township for the conduct of said business, trade, occupation or profession, shall pay a business privilege tax at the rate of 1½ mills on his gross receipts derived from all services rendered to clients, patients and customers.
2. Every person engaging in a business, trade, occupation or profession, hereinafter listed in Dover Township and maintaining no place, office or establishment within Dover Township for the conduct of said business, trade, occupation or profession shall pay a business privilege tax at the rate of 1½ mills on his gross receipts derived from all services rendered within Dover Township to clients, patients and customers.
A. Printers; lithographers; processors; laundry operators; laundrette operators; warehousemen; upholsterers; doctors; lawyers; dentists; engineers; architects, chemists; chiropractors; chiropodists; certified public accountant; public accountant; real estate brokers; cleaning, pressing, and dyeing establishment operators; shoe repair shop operators; tailors; dressmakers; electrical; plastering; bricklaying; carpentry; hearing; ventilating; plumbing and painting contractors; contractors engaged in the classes of heavy building or other construction of any kind or in the alteration, maintenance or repair thereof; truckers; housing contractors; repairer of electrical, electronic or automotive machinery or equipment of other machinery and equipment and other wares and merchandise; and all other businesses, trades, occupations and professions in which there is offered any service or services to the general public or a limited number thereof.
(Ord. 91-1, 9/9/1991, § 11.13)