The following signs shall be permitted in all zones and no permit shall be required to erect such signs:
1. Signs offering the sale or rental of the premises upon which the sign is erected, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed six square feet for residential properties and 32 square feet for nonresidential properties; and not more than one such sign shall be placed on the property unless such property fronts on more than one street, in which case one sign may be erected on each street frontage. Such signs shall have a maximum height of six feet and shall comply with minimum setback requirements and maximum height requirements which would apply to a permanent sign on the same property. Such signs shall be constructed of a painted or printed solid surface material and shall not be changeable copy signs or banner signs.
2. Temporary signs of contractors, developers, architects, engineers, builders and artisans, erected and maintained on the premises where the work is being performed, provided that the area of such sign shall not exceed six square feet for residential properties and 32 square feet for nonresidential properties and provided that such sign shall be removed upon completion of the work. Such signs shall have a maximum height of six feet and shall comply with the minimum setback requirements and maximum height requirements which would apply to a permanent sign on the same property. Such signs shall be constructed of a pained or printed solid surface material and shall not be changeable copy signs or banner signs.
3. No trespassing signs, signs indicating the private nature of a road, driveway or premises, signs controlling fishing or hunting on the premises, provided that the area of each such sign shall not exceed four square feet.
4. Plaques not exceeding four square feet in size, which identify the site or the structure as being registered as a Federal or State historic place.
5. Traffic and/or pedestrian safety control signs, such as "Entrance," "Exit," "No Parking," etc., may be located as needed; provided, that they contain only information needed for traffic control and that each sign does not exceed 6 square feet in area and five feet in height, and that such signs do not block visibility or create a traffic safety hazard. Interior property directional signs may not exceed 12 square feet in area and six feet in height. Such signs shall not be constructed of a painted or printed or solid surface material, and shall not be changeable copy signs or banner signs. Menu-board type signs are also permitted with a maximum area of 50 square feet and a maximum height of six feet. Illuminated menu-boards shall be screened from any adjacent residential uses.
6. Political signs are permitted on private property with permission of the property owner, provided that they shall not be placed so as to create a traffic hazard and that they be removed within 15 days after the election for which they were placed.
7. Banners or signs for Township events or promotions, or similar community events, provided the sign is not placed longer than 14 days prior to event and removed within seven days following the event.
8. Sponsorship signs at athletic fields and similar settings, where the signs are installed to benefit a nonprofit organization, and are located in such a manner as to be viewed primarily by spectators at sporting or similar events, and not from roadway or other locations off the property.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)