§ 27-703.   Schedule of Required Parking Spaces.
   1.   Off-street parking spaces must be provided for each building erected or enlarged in accordance with the following schedule:
Type of Use
Minimum of One Parking Space for Each
Type of Use
Minimum of One Parking Space for Each
   Residential Uses
Age Restricted Community
2 spaces/dwelling unit
See § 27-703.1 for each individual use
Each employee on the largest shift
Bed and Breakfast Rooming House
Bedroom or guest sleeping room plus the dwelling unit requirements
Dwelling Units
1:2 of a dwelling unit (i.e., 2 spaces for each dwelling unit)
Rooming House/Shared Residence
Guest Parking for multi-family units; townhouses; multi-unit buildings in an age-restricted community and any other planned multi-unit building
2.5 units
Group Home
5 residents. Plus at least 1 off-street parking space must be provided for each 2 residents over the initial 5. Plus 1 space for each on-site resident staff.
Adult Care Home
Dwelling requirement plus 1 space per client who operates a vehicle
Domiciliary Care Home
Dwelling requirement plus 1 space per client who operates a vehicle
Family Child Care Home
6-person capacity, plus the spaces required for the dwelling unit, plus 1 space for every 2 adult attendants/ caregivers
Group Child Care Home
If in a private dwelling, none, except parking required per dwelling
   Commercial Uses
Adult Care Facility
Employee plus 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft of gross floor area
Amusement Arcade
80 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Billiard Room
1:4 table (i.e., 4 spaces per table) and 1 per each 2 employees
Bowling Alley   
1:6 lane (i.e., 6 spaces per lane) plus 1 per each 2 employees
Campsite, plus 1 per employee, plus 50% of the spaces normally required for any uses accessory to the campgrounds, if applicable
Clubs, Lodges, and Other Similar Facilities
50 sq. ft. of gross floor area plus one for each employee on the largest shift
Child Care Center
Employee, plus 1/10 pupils, plus 1 space designated as a passenger loading space
Drive-Through or Fast Food Restaurants
2 seats plus 1 per each 2 employees
Farmer's Market
100 square feet of sales area. Minimum of 6 spaces
Food Markets, Grocery Stores, and Convenience Store
200 sq. ft. of floor area for public use plus 1 per each employee on the 2 largest shifts
Funeral Home
100 sq. ft. of gross floor area plus 1 space per each hearse or ambulance
Garden Center/Greenhouse/Nursery
300 square feet of sales area, plus 1 for every 1,000 square feet outdoor sales/display area
Golf Course
1:8 hole (i.e., eight spaces per hole), plus one per employee, plus 50% of spaces for accessory uses
Golf Driving Range
1 per tee plus 1 per employee
Guest sleeping room plus 2 for each 3 employees or part thereof
Kennel/Animal Boarding
Employee on the largest shift, plus 5 additional spaces
3 washing machines
Medical Care Clinic or Facility
Employee plus 1 space per 200 sq. ft. of net floor area
Miniature Golf Course
Hole plus 1 per employee
Mini-Storage/Self Storage Facility
5 storage bays, plus 1 per employee. For a wholly enclosed self-storage facility, 1 space per 2,500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.
Office Building
300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Other Commercial Buildings
400 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Nursing Facility
1 per 2 beds, except institutions providing long-term custodial care need not provide more than 1 per 4 beds; plus 2 per 3 full-time employees of the largest shift plus 1 per staff doctor
Personal Care Facility
Employee plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft of gross floor area
Personal Services
200 square feet of gross floor area
Professional Offices of Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians, etc.
1:6 physician or dentist (i.e., six spaces per physician or dentist) plus one per employee
Recreation Facility
100 square feet of floor area in largest room and 1/400 square feet of floor area in smaller rooms
Retail Store or Shop
300 sq. ft. of floor area for public use plus one per employee on the two largest shifts
Riding Academy or Horse Stable
4 stalls, plus 1 per every 4 seats of spectator seating
Roadside Stand
6 spaces per establishment
Shopping Center or Mall
360 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area
Sit-Down Restaurant
4 seats plus 1 for each employee on the largest shift
Skating Rink
4 persons based on the designed capacity of the rink
Swimming Pools (other than accessory to residential development)
4 persons based on the designed capacity of the pool
Tennis or Racquetball Clubs
1:4 court (i.e., 4 spaces per court) plus 1 per employee plus 50% of the spaces normally required for accessory uses
Vehicle Repair, Service/Gasoline Station
1:2 service bay (i.e., 3 spaces per bay) plus 1 for each employee or 1 for every 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area, whichever is greater
Vehicle Sales Lots
20% of lot area devoted to the use to be reserved for customer parking
   Industrial Uses
Industrial & Heavy Commercial
Employee on the largest shift or 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area, whichever is greater
Quarry operations
Employee on the largest shift
Employee on the 2 largest shifts
Wholesale establishments
Employee on the largest 2 shifts
   Public and Semi-Public Uses
Athletic Field or Outdoor Recreational Facilities
4 seats of spectator seating; however, if no spectator seating is provided, a temporary parking area shall be provided on the site, which shall be delineated by a temporary barrier for such parking area
Auditorium, House of Worship, Theater and Other Such Places of Public Assembly
200 sq. ft. or 4 seats, whichever is greater, plus 1 per employee
Hospital, Convalescent/Nursing Home
1:2 bed (i.e., 1 space per 2 beds), plus 1 per employee on the largest shift
Municipal Buildings, Facilities and Uses
1 per each employee plus 1 additional for each 2 employees
Other Indoor Recreational Facilities
100 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Picnic Area
1:2 table (i.e., 2 spaces per table)
Public/Semi-Public Facilities and Uses
300 sq. ft. of gross floor area plus one per each employee for the largest shift
Public Utility Building and/or Service Structure   
1 per each employee with a minimum of 1 space
Schools, below grade 10
6 students enrolled based on the design capacity plus 1 classroom
Schools 10th grade and above including colleges (public or private)
3 students enrolled based on the design capacity plus 1 for each classroom
Vocational Training and Adult Educational Facilities (Public or Private)
1.5 students enrolled based on the design capacity plus 1 for each classroom
   2.   Parking required for lots containing multiple principal uses shall be the total of the number of spaces required for each individual use on the lot at issue.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)