(a) Unless a different time and method of payment is specifically provided by another city ordinance, a city contract, or state or federal law, every fee, charge, or tax required to be paid to the city for any license, permit, right, privilege, property interest, or service must be paid in full to the city before the license, permit, right, privilege, property interest, or service may be issued, granted, conveyed, provided, or renewed.
(b) Except as provided in Subsection (c), any money owed to the city after May 28, 1997 will accrue simple interest at the rate of 10 percent a year from the day after the money became due until it is paid in full.
(c) The following types of money owed to the city are not subject to the interest established in Subsection (b):
(1) Any fee, charge, or tax upon which the assessment of interest is prohibited or otherwise regulated or provided for by another city ordinance or state or federal law.
(2) A fee, charge, or tax charged or collected by the city under the specific authority of a state or federal law, where the assessment of interest is not provided for in the applicable state or federal law.
(3) A fee or charge for copies, documents, records, or other information provided by the city under a request for public information.
(4) Money owed to the city under a contract that does not specifically provide for the assessment of interest, that prohibits the assessment of interest, or that specifically provides another method or rate of assessing interest.
(5) Money owed under a judgment awarded to the city.
(6) A criminal or civil fine or penalty.
(d) In this section, “contract” means a contract required under Section 1, Chapter XXII of the Dallas City Charter to be signed by the city manager and approved by the city attorney before it will be binding on the city. (Ord. 23135)