Sec. 13A-1. Created; purpose.
Sec. 13A-2. Personnel rules and social security.
Sec. 13A-3. Assurances to department of labor.
Sec. 13A-4. Dallas area rapid transit authority.
Sec. 13A-5. Irregular route transit services.
Sec. 13A-6. Purchases and sales.
Sec. 13A-7. Claims for damage or injury.
Sec. 13A-8. Smoking.
Sec. 13A-9. Refusing to pay fare.
Sec. 13A-10. Penalty.
Sec. 13A-11. Free transportation.
There is hereby created a city department to be known as the Dallas transit system for the purpose of providing public mass transportation for the general public of the city, contiguous unincorporated areas and adjoining municipalities, the head of which shall be the general manager who shall be appointed by the city manager. In addition to the general manager, the Dallas transit system shall be comprised of such assistants and employees as the city council may authorize upon recommendation of the city manager. (Ord. 18515)
(a) Employees of the Dallas transit system shall be governed by the personnel rules of the city except as otherwise provided in the personnel policies and employees benefit manual of the Dallas transit system adopted by the Dallas Transit Board and effective October 1, 1984. In the event of conflict, the provisions of the transit system personnel policies and employee benefit manual shall prevail. The general manager may hereafter modify these departmental rules provided he has notified employees and/or their representatives in advance and given them an opportunity to present their views. Any proposed change of the departmental rules is subject to hearing and review by the city manager or his designee before implementation upon request by employees or their representatives. Further, employees and/or their representatives may propose modifications of the departmental rules to the general manager, and obtain hearing and review by the city manager or his designee.
(b) Employees of the Dallas transit system shall participate in the federal social security system, as required by federal law. The director of finance shall make provisions for the necessary social security payments to the proper department of the United States government. (Ord. 18515)
It shall be the duty of the city manager to make such assurances to the United States Department of Labor as may be required by federal law regarding the protection of Dallas transit system employee benefits in connection with the provisions of federal grants. (Ord. 18515)