In this article:
(1) ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY METHOD means one of the methods authorized by Chapter 2269 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, for contracting for facility construction.
(2) CITY EXPENDITURE means the payment of money by the city directly to a vendor or contractor pursuant to a city-awarded contract in consideration of goods furnished to or services performed on behalf of the city, or in consideration of the accomplishment of some other lawful public or municipal purpose, regardless of the source or nature of the funds used by the city to make payment and regardless of the form of contract used.
(3) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEM means the purchase, by competitive sealed proposal as required in Section 252.021(d) of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, of goods or services pursuant to a community development program established under Chapter 373 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, in which the source of the city expenditure for the purchase is derived exclusively from an appropriation, loan, or grant of funds from the federal or state government for community development purposes.
(4) DIRECTOR means the director of the department designated by the city manager to administer this chapter or the director's authorized representatives.
(5) FACILITY has the meaning given that term in Chapter 2269 of the Texas Government Code, as amended.
(6) GENERAL SERVICES means insurance (including insurance-related services such as claims adjustment and policy administration), technical services related to the purchase of a high technology item, or other types of manual, physical, or intellectual labor performed on behalf of the city and purchased for a lawful municipal purpose. The term does not include personal services, professional services, planning services, or facility construction.
(7) GOODS means supplies, equipment, or other personal property, including but not limited to high technology items, purchased and used for a lawful municipal purpose.
(8) GOVERNMENTAL CONTRACT has the meaning given that term in Chapter 2252, Subchapter A, Texas Government Code, as amended.
(9) HIGH TECHNOLOGY ITEM means an item of equipment, goods, or services of a highly technical nature, including but not limited to:
(A) data processing equipment and software and firmware used in conjunction with data processing equipment;
(B) telecommunications equipment and radio and microwave systems;
(C) electronic distributed control systems, including building energy management systems; and
(D) technical services related to those items listed in Paragraphs (A) through (C) of this subsection.
(10) LOCAL BUSINESS means a business with a principal place of business within the city.
(11) NONRESIDENT BIDDER has the meaning given that term in Chapter 2252, Subchapter A, Texas Government Code, as amended.
(12) PERSONAL SERVICES means any service personally performed by the individual with whom the city has contracted.
(13) PLANNING SERVICES has the meaning given that term in Section 252.001, Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
(A) the headquarters of a business or the primary executive or administrative office of a business from which the operations and activities of the business are directed, controlled, and coordinated by its officers or owners; or
(B) an established office, plant, store, warehouse, or other facility where the majority of the business' operations and activities are conducted and located, except that a location solely used as a message center, post office box, mail drop, or similar service or activity that provides no substantial function to the business is not a principal place of business.
(15) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES means those services defined as professional services under state law applicable to municipal purchases or contracts, including but not limited to services provided by accountants, architects, artists, attorneys, auditors, construction managers, court reporters, doctors, engineers, interior designers, optometrists, real estate appraisers, registered nurses, land surveyors, scientists, and teachers.
(a) There is hereby created a division of the city manager's office to be known as the office of procurement services, the head of which shall be the director of procurement services who shall be appointed by the city manager and who shall be a person professionally competent by experience and training to manage the office. The office will be composed of the director of procurement services and such other assistants and employees as the city council may provide by ordinance upon recommendation of the city manager.
(b) The director of procurement services shall perform the following duties:
(1) Direct and administer the office of procurement services.
(2) Serve, or designate a person to serve, as the city purchasing agent.
(3) Except where otherwise directed in this code, supervise all purchases by the city, other than real property, in accordance with this article and state law.
(4) Sell personal property of the city not needed for public use.
(5) Keep accurate inventories of all property under the director's supervision.
(6) Maintain the store rooms and warehouses placed under the director's supervision.
(7) Perform such other duties as are assigned by the city manager. (Code 1941, Art. 27-1; Ord. Nos. 13104; 17157; 18094; 19312; 21674; 24243; 24410; 25047; 25819; 27697; 30654)