(a) All required bicycle parking spaces must be provided on the lot occupied by the main use.
(b) Bicycle parking spaces exterior to a building must be a part of or connected to a pedestrian pathway that connects to a building entrance open to the public.
(c) Bicycle parking spaces exterior to a building must be clearly visible from a primary building entrance or signs must be posted at the entrances to the automobile parking area that indicate the location of bicycle parking. For bicycle parking interior to a building, signs must be posted at the entrance to the automobile parking area that indicate the location of the bicycle parking. If signs are required to be posted at the entrances to the automobile parking area, the signs must:
(1) be prominently displayed;
(2) illustrate or describe the location of bicycle parking spaces;
(3) be constructed of weather resistant material;
(4) be a minimum of 10 inches in width by 15 inches in height; and
(5) have clearly legible letters and graphics that contrast with the background material.
(d) When placed parallel, bicycle racks must be spaced at least four feet apart.
(e) When placed linear, bicycle racks must be spaced at least seven feet apart.
(f) Class I bicycle parking must provide a minimum two-and-a-half foot by six foot area for each bicycle parking space.
(g) Class I bicycle parking may be placed in the required front, side, or rear yard. (Ord. 29128)
(a) An applicant for a bicycle parking waiver shall submit an application to the director on a form provided by the city.
(b) The director may waive the bicycle parking requirements only upon a determination that:
(1) due to existing site constraints, meeting the requirements of this division would:
(A) interfere with the minimum requirements for pedestrian or vehicular maneuvring; or
(B) would otherwise be contrary to public safety; or
This division provides alternatives to the standard parking and loading regulations in Division 51A-4.300 to allow parking within a structure when an approved mechanical system is used to park and retrieve vehicles. (Ord. 29128)
In this division:
(1) APERTURE AREA means the total area of window, door, and facade openings on the exterior of any portion of a mechanized parking facility, expressed as a percentage of the total facade area.
(2) ARTICULATION means any portion of the exterior of a mechanized parking facility that includes a material change, facade openings, columns, pilasters, or other architectural element.
(3) COMPATIBLE means similar in application, color, materials, pattern, shape, size, slope, and other characteristics but does not mean identical.
(4) MECHANIZED PARKING means parking spaces located underground or within a structure where a mechanical system is used to park and retrieve vehicles.
(5) TRANSLUCENT means not completely clear or transparent but clear enough to allow light to pass through while diffusing it so that persons, objects, etc. on the inside of the structure are not visible from the exterior of the structure. (Ord. 29128)
(a) In general. All mechanized parking must be approved by the building official. The building official shall deny an application for mechanized parking unless it meets all of the standards of this division.
(b) Application. An applicant for mechanized parking approval shall submit an application to the building official on a form provided by the city. The applicant must be the person who will own, control, or operate the mechanized parking. The application must contain the following:
(1) The name, street address, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the applicant or the applicant’s authorized agent.
(2) The street address and main telephone number, if any, of the property where the mechanized parking will be located.
(3) The application fee.
(4) The name, street address, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of a person or persons to contact in an emergency or in case of a malfunction.
(5) Building plans for the mechanized parking structure.
(6) An operational plan for the mechanized parking that includes the following:
(A) A statement describing the staffing required to operate the mechanized parking, if any.
(B) A trip generation table with a description of the main uses to be served by the mechanized parking.
(C) A stacking analysis.
(D) A peak use analysis.
(E) A statement detailing how long it takes to park and retrieve a vehicle.
(F) A noise generation analysis and a noise mitigation plan.
(7) Any other reasonable and pertinent information that the building official determines to be necessary for mechanized parking review. (Ord. 29128)
(a) License required.
(1) Mechanized parking may not be used unless a license is obtained under this section.
(2) Mechanized parking licenses are issued by the building official. An application for mechanized parking under Section 51A-4.343 serves as an application for a license under this section.
(b) Denial of license. The building official shall deny a mechanized parking license unless the mechanized parking meets all of the standards in this division.
(c) Suspension of license by building official.
(1) If the building official determines that a licensee has failed to comply with any regulation established under this division, the building official may suspend the mechanized parking license for a definite period not to exceed 60 days.
(2) A licensee whose mechanized parking license is suspended shall not use the mechanized parking involved during the period of suspension except to release parked cars to drivers or owners.
(3) If the licensee fails to comply within the suspension period, the building official shall revoke the license.
(d) Revocation of license by building official. The building official shall revoke a mechanized parking license if:
(1) the licensee fails to comply with the requirements of the license, this division, or other applicable law;
(2) the applicant made a false statement of material fact on an application for a license; or
(3) the building official determines that the mechanized parking unreasonably endangers the safety of persons or property or is not otherwise in the public interest.
(e) Expiration of license. A mechanized parking license expires three years from the date of issuance, unless sooner revoked by the building official.
(f) Renewal. A mechanized parking license may be renewed by making an application for renewal at least 30 days before the expiration of the license. If the building official determines that the license renewal involves substantive changes to the original application, a new application for mechanized parking approval must be submitted under Section 51A-4.343. If the license renewal does not involve substantive changes, the application for renewal must be filed with the building official on a form furnished by the city.
(g) Appeal of denial, suspension, or revocation of license. If the building official denies, suspends, or revokes a license, the action of the building official is final unless the applicant or licensee files an appeal with the permit license and appeal board in accordance with Section 2-96 of the Dallas City Code. (Ord. 29128)