(1) Residential districts.
(A) A(A) Agricultural district.
(B) R-1ac(A) Single family district 1 acre.
(C) R-1/2ac(A) Single family district 1/2 acre.
(D) R-16(A) Single family district 16,000 square feet.
(E) R-13(A) Single family district 13,000 square feet.
(F) R-10(A) Single family district 10,000 square feet.
(G) R-7.5(A) Single family district 7,500 square feet.
(H) R-5(A) Single family district 5,000 square feet.
(I) D(A) Duplex district.
(J) TH-1(A) Townhouse district 1.
(K) TH-2(A) Townhouse district 2.
(L) TH-3(A) Townhouse district 3.
(M) CH Clustered housing district.
(N) MF-1(A) Multifamily district 1.
(O) MF-1(SAH) Multifamily district 1 affordable.
(P) MF-2(A) Multifamily district 2.
(Q) MF-2(SAH) Multifamily district 2 affordable.
(R) MF-3(A) Multifamily district 3.
(S) MF-4(A) Multifamily district 4.
(T) MH(A) Manufactured home district.
(2) Office districts.
(A) NO(A) Neighborhood office district.
(B) LO-1 Limited office district 1.
(C) LO-2 Limited office district 2.
(D) LO-3 Limited office district 3.
(E) MO-1 Mid-range office district 1.
(F) MO-2 Mid-range office district 2.
(G) GO(A) General office district.
(3) Retail districts.
(A) NS(A) Neighborhood service district.
(B) CR Community retail district.
(C) RR Regional retail district.
(4) Commercial service and industrial districts.
(A) CS Commercial service district.
(B) LI Light industrial district.
(C) IR Industrial / research district.
(D) IM Industrial/ manufacturing district.
(5) Central area districts.
(A) CA-1(A) Central area district 1.
(B) CA-2(A) Central area district 2.
(6) Mixed use districts.
(A) MU-1 Mixed use district 1.
(B) MU-1(SAH) Mixed use district 1 affordable.
(C) MU-2 Mixed use district 2.
(D) MU-2(SAH) Mixed use district 2 affordable.
(E) MU-3 Mixed use district 3.
(F) MU-3(SAH) Mixed use district 3 affordable.
(7) Multiple commercial districts.
(A) MC-1 Multiple commercial district 1.
(B) MC-2 Multiple commercial district 2.
(C) MC-3 Multiple commercial district 3.
(D) MC-4 Multiple commercial district 4.
(8) Special purpose districts.
(A) C Conservation district.
(B) PD Planned development district.
(C) P(A) Parking district.
(9) Overlay districts.
(A) AF suffix Airport flight path overlay district.
(B) CP suffix Core pedestrian precinct overlay district.
(C) H suffix Historic overlay district.
(D) ID suffix Institutional overlay district.
(E) D suffix D liquor control overlay district.
(F) D-1 suffix D-1 liquor control overlay district.
(G) SP suffix Secondary pedestrian precinct overlay district.
(H) MD suffix Modified delta overlay district.
(I) NSO suffix Neighborhood stabilization overlay district.
(J) TC suffix Turtle Creek environmental corridor overlay district.
(K) SH suffix Shopfront overlay. [See Article XIII.]
(L) HM suffix Height map overlay. [See Article XIII.]
(M) PM suffix Parking management overlay.
(10) Urban corridor districts.
(A) UC-1 Urban corridor district 1.
(B) UC-2 Urban corridor district 2.
(C) UC-3 Urban corridor district 3.
(11) Form districts.
(A) WMU Walkable urban mixed use. [See Article XIII.]
(B) WR Walkable urban residential. [See Article XIII.]
(C) RTN Residential transition. [See Article XIII.]
(Ord. Nos. 19455; 19786; 20360; 21663; 24718; 27404; 27495)
(a) The boundaries of zoning districts are recorded on the Geographic Information System (GIS) maintained by the department which is the official zoning district map of the city. The official zoning district map is made a part of and incorporated into this chapter.
(b) The director shall maintain the zoning district map in the department. The director shall revise the map to reflect any subsequent zoning district amendment.
(c) In case of any question involving a district designation within the city, the updated copy of the official zoning district map on file in the office of the director is presumed correct, and the person challenging the accuracy of that copy has the burden of presenting the official zoning map, together with the ordinances amending the map, to prove the inaccuracy of the updated copy. (Ord. 19455; 20729; 28072)