(1) Airport or landing field.
(A) Definition: A facility for the landing of fixed or rotary wing aircraft.
(B) Districts permitted: By SUP only in IR and IM districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: One space per 200 square feet of terminal building floor area.
(D) Required off-street loading:
0 to 10,000 | NONE |
10,000 to 50,000 | 1 |
50,000 to 100,000 | 2 |
Each additional 100,000 or fraction thereof | 1 additional |
(i) A minimum of 60 acres is required for this use.
(ii) This use must be approved by the city aviation department.
(iii) This use is subject to the Federal Aviation Administration’s rules and regulations.
(2) Commercial bus station and terminal.
(A) Definition: A facility operated as a bus or shuttle passenger station or transfer center serving a privately owned transit operation. For purposes of this paragraph:
(i) Bus means a motor vehicle that has a manufacturer’s rated seating capacity of more than 15 passengers, and is used for the transportation of persons from a location in the city to another location either inside or outside the city.
(ii) Shuttle means a van-type motor vehicle that has a manufacturer’s rated seating capacity of not less than seven passengers and not more than 15 passengers, and is used for the transportation of persons from a location in the city to another location either inside or outside the city.
(B) Districts permitted:
(i) Except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph (B)(ii), by right in RR, CS, LI, IR, IM, and central area districts.
(ii) By SUP only in the CS district when:
(aa) the facility operates with a bus; or
(bb) the facility operates with a shuttle within 500 feet of a residential district.
(iii) DIR required in RR and central area districts, and the CS district when an SUP is not required. RAR required in industrial districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: One space per 200 square feet of building floor area plus one space per five seats of manufacturer's rated seating capacity for the maximum number of vehicles on site during any one hour time period.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
(E) Additional provisions:
(i) A lobby or waiting room with a floor area of not less than 200 square feet must be provided.
(ii) Seating in the lobby or waiting room must be provided at a ratio of one seat for every 25 square feet of floor area in the lobby or waiting room.
(iii) The outdoor sale of general merchandise or food is prohibited.
(iv) No loading or unloading of passengers is permitted on public right-of-way.
(3) Heliport.
(A) Definitions: A facility for the landing and taking off of rotary wing aircraft.
(B) Districts permitted: By right in IR and IM districts. By SUP only in RR, CS, LI, central area, MU-3, MU-3(SAH), MC-3, and MC-4 districts. RAR required in IR and IM districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: One space per 600 square feet of site area; a minimum of four spaces is required.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
(E) Additional provisions:
(i) This use may include fueling or servicing facilities, if approved by the city aviation department.
(ii) This use must be approved by the city aviation department.
(iii) This use is subject to the Federal Aviation Administration’s rules, regulations, and approval.
(4) Helistop.
(A) Definition: A landing pad for occasional use by rotary wing aircraft.
(B) Districts permitted: By right in IR and IM districts. By SUP only in A(A) MO(A), GO(A), RR, CS, LI, central area, MU-2, MU-2(SAH), MU-3, MU- 3(SAH) MC-2, MC-3, and MC-4 districts. RAR required in IR and IM districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: Two spaces.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
(E) Additional provisions:
(i) Regularly scheduled stops are not permitted under this use.
(ii) This use must be approved by the city aviation department.
(iii) This use is subject to the Federal Aviation Administration’s rules, regulations, and approval.
(iv) Fueling or servicing facilities are not permitted under this use.
(5) Private street or alley.
(A) Definition: A street or an alley whose ownership has been retained privately.
(B) District restrictions:
(i) This accessory use is not permitted in agricultural, multifamily, MH(A), office, retail, commercial service and industrial, mixed use, and multiple commercial districts.
(ii) An SUP is required for this accessory use in single family, duplex, townhouse, CH, and central area districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: None.
(D) Required off-street loading: See Section 51A-4.303.
(E) Additional provisions:
(i) Private streets and alleys must be constructed and maintained to the standards for public rights-of-way and must be approved by the director. Sidewalks are required and must be constructed and maintained to the standards for sidewalks in the public right-of-way. Water and sanitary sewer mains must be installed in accordance with the applicable ordinances.
(ii) A legal entity must be created that is responsible for street lighting, street maintenance and cleaning, and the installation and maintenance of interior traffic control devices. The legal instruments establishing the responsibility for a private street or alley must be submitted to the city plan commission for approval, be approved as to legal form by the city attorney, and recorded in the appropriate county.
(iii) Private streets and alleys must contain private service easements including, but not limited to, the following easements: utilities; firelane; street lighting; government vehicle access; mail collection and delivery access; and utility meter reading access.
(iv) Street lights comparable with those required on public rights-of-way must be provided. Street lighting design plans must be approved by the director in compliance with applicable standards of the department of development services.
(v) Design plans and location of all traffic control devices must be approved by the traffic engineer. The design, size, color, and construction of all traffic control devices must comply with those required in public rights-of-way.
(vi) The fire protection standards in Article XIII of the Dallas fire code must be followed.
(vii) A public school, park or other public facility must be accessible from public rights-of-way in accordance with this code.
(viii) Private streets must comply with the thoroughfare plan and may not interrupt public through streets.
(ix) Private street names and numbers must be approved by the city plan commission.
(x) Private streets and the area they serve must be platted.
(xi) Guard houses may be constructed at any entrance to a private street. All guard houses must be at least 25 feet from a public right-of-way.
(xii) Any structure that restricts access to a private street must provide a passageway 20 feet wide and 14 feet high.
(xiii) One private street entrance must remain open at all times. If an additional private street entrance is closed at any time, it must be constructed to permit opening of the passageway in emergencies by boltcutters or breakaway panels.
(xiv) A private street serving an area containing over 150 dwelling units must have a minimum of two access points to a public street.
(xv) A private street may serve no more than 300 dwelling units.
(xvi) The city has no obligation to maintain a private street. If a private street is not maintained in compliance with the requirements of this chapter, the city, after a public hearing before the city plan commission, shall have the right, but not the obligation, to take those actions necessary to put the private street in compliance. The legal entity responsible for maintaining the private street shall pay the city for the work performed within a period of 180 days from the presentation of the bill, or the private street will become a public street of the city.
(xvii) A court or plaza may be considered a private street for the purpose of creating a building site if a specific use permit for a private street or alley use is obtained.
(6) Railroad passenger station.
(A) Definition: A facility for the loading and discharging of train passengers.
(B) Districts permitted: By right in central area districts. By SUP only in GO(A), RR, CS, industrial, MU-2, MU-2(SAH), MU-3, MU-3(SAH), MC- 2, MC-3, and MC-4 districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: One space per 200 square feet of terminal building floor area.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
0 to 50,000 | NONE |
50,000 to 150,000 | 1 |
Each additional 100,000 or fraction thereof | 1 additional |
(7) Railroad yard, roundhouse, or shops.
(A) Definition: A facility for storing and repairing railroad equipment, and making up trains.
(B) Districts permitted: By right in IM and central area districts. RAR required in the IM district.
(C) Required off-street parking: One space for each 500 square feet of floor area of roundhouse and shops.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
(8) STOL (short takeoff or landing) port.
(A) Definition: A facility for take-off and landing operations of fixed wing aircraft designed to land on runways of 1000 feet or less.
(B) Districts permitted: By SUP only in IR, IM, and central area districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: One space per 200 square feet of terminal building floor area; a minimum of five spaces is required.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
(E) Additional provisions:
(i) This use may include refueling equipment and passenger shelters, but may not include maintenance facilities.
(ii) This use must be approved by the city aviation department.
(iii) This use is subject to the Federal Aviation Administration’s rules, regulations, and approval.
(9) Transit passenger shelter.
(A) Definition: A structure which affords protection from the weather to persons who are waiting to board a publicly owned or franchised transit vehicle.
(B) Districts permitted: By right in all residential and nonresidential districts.
(C) Required off-street parking: None.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
(E) Additional provisions:
(i) A site plan must be submitted to and approved by the director if the location of the proposed shelter structure will be on or within 20 feet of a lot that is located in a single family or duplex district and occupied by a residential use. The site plan must show the area within a 50-foot radius of the proposed shelter structure. No site plan is required if the lot is vacant or exclusively occupied by one or more nonresidential uses.
(ii) The submission and review procedures for a site plan required under Subparagraph (i) are the same as those required under Section 51A-4.803 for a lot that has residential adjacency. For purposes of these provisions, the term “lot” in Section 51A-4.803 is construed to mean only that area for which a site plan is required.
(iii) In addition to the requirements of Section 51A-4.803(e), upon the filing of a complete application for review of a site plan required under Subparagraph (i), the director shall send written notice to all owners of real property lying within 200 feet of the area for which the site plan is required.
(iv) In single family and duplex districts, the shelter structure must not occupy an area greater than 100 square feet.
(v) A litter container of adequate size must be provided on the site at all times.
(vi) This use must be installed by public agencies.
(vii) This use is exempt from the front, side, and rear yard requirements in this chapter, except that the shelter structure must be set back at least five feet from the edge of the roadway.
(viii) No signs are permitted on the transit passenger shelter site except for governmental signs, transit system logos, schedules, and route information.
(10) Transit passenger station or transfer center.
(A) Definition: A facility operated as a bus or rail passenger station or transfer center serving a publicly-owned or franchised mass transit operation. Typical facilities may include station platforms, bus bays, off-street parking, private access roads, and other passenger amenities.
(B) Districts permitted:
(i) By right in central area districts.
(ii) By SUP only in all residential districts.
(iii) By SUP or, in the alternative, by city council resolution in office, retail, CS, industrial, mixed use, and multiple commercial districts. Authorization by city council resolution must strictly comply with the procedures and requirements outlined in the additional provisions below.
(C) Required off-street parking: None required in central area districts. In all other districts, the off-street parking requirements for each site shall be determined during the site review process and incorporated into the specific use permit ordinance or city council resolution, whichever is applicable.
(D) Required off-street loading: None.
(E) Additional provisions:
(i) Analyses required. In all districts except central area districts:
(aa) transit and parking demand analyses must be submitted with an application for a specific use permit or for an approval by city council resolution; and
(bb) a traffic impact analysis is required when the same is requested by the director, or when the proposed facility will generate more than 1,000 vehicle trips per day.
(ii) Landscaping. Landscaping must be provided to comply with Article X of this chapter, or with a landscape plan approved by the city council. In approving a landscape plan, the city council shall, as a minimum, impose landscaping requirements that are reasonably consistent with the standards and purposes of Article X.
(iii) Screening. Screening must be provided to comply with Section 51A-4.602, or with a site plan approved by the city council.
(iv) Vehicular ingress and egress.
(aa) Vehicular ingress and egress between this use and a residential alley is prohibited. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “residential alley” means a public alley or access easement that abuts or is in a single family, duplex, townhouse, or clustered housing district.
(bb) Any vehicular ingress and egress between this use and a minor street must be shown on a site plan approved by the city council.
(v) Minimum setbacks for parking and maneuvering. In residential districts, all off-street parking spaces and bus bays, including maneuvering areas, must be located behind the required setback lines established in this chapter, or behind the established setbacks for the blockface, as defined in Section 51A-4.401, whichever results in the greater setback. A minimum setback of ten feet must be provided for a side or rear yard adjacent to a residential use.
(vi) Outside speaker restrictions. Outside speakers are not permitted within 50 feet of another lot in a residential district. Outside speakers, when permitted, must face away from adjacent properties.
(vii) Restrictions on authorization by city council resolution in certain districts. In NO(A), LO(A), MO(A), NS(A), CR, RR, CS, LI, MU-1, MU- 1(SAH), MC-1, and MC-2 districts, authorization by city council resolution is not available unless:
(aa) a traffic impact analysis demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director that the projected traffic from the proposed facility will not reduce traffic operating conditions on public streets to a level-of-service “E” or “F” as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council, Washington, D.C.; and
(bb) the facility:
[1] is located greater than 330 feet from private property (as defined in Section 51A-4.412 of the Dallas Development Code) in a single family, duplex, townhouse, or CH district;
[2] has no parking other than that needed for the drop-off and pick-up of passengers, and no more than five bus bays; or
[3] is separated from a lot in a single family, duplex, townhouse, or CH district by a street 64 feet or more in width.
(viii) Procedures for authorization by city council resolution. Authorization by city council resolution must strictly comply with the following procedures and requirements:
(aa) The specific use permit requirement for each particular station or transfer center site shall remain in effect unless and until the city council adopts a resolution approving that site in accordance with this subsection.
(bb) An applicant for authorization by city council resolution shall submit a site plan that complies with the requirements of Section 51A-4.803 to the director. The director shall review the site plan in accordance with that section and formulate a recommendation for the city council within 30 calendar days of the date of its submission.
(cc) Upon formulating a recommendation regarding the site plan, the director shall schedule a public hearing before the city council to receive public comment regarding the plan. The director shall send written notice of the public hearing to all owners of real property within 500 feet of the proposed site. The measurement of the 500 feet includes streets and alleys. The notice must be given not less than 10 days before the date set for the hearing. Notice is given by depositing the notice properly addressed and postage paid in the United States mail to the property owners as evidenced by the last approved city tax roll.
(dd) The city secretary shall give notice of the public hearing in the official newspaper of the city at least 15 days before the hearing. After the city council holds its public hearing, it shall make a decision regarding the plan. The decision need not be made on the same day that the public hearing is held.
(ee) The city council may approve or deny the site plan. An approval must be by resolution adopted by a majority of those councilmembers present and eligible to vote, and a true and correct copy of the site plan must be attached to the resolution as an exhibit. The city council may impose reasonable conditions upon the approval of a site plan consistent with the purposes stated in Section 51A-1.102 of this chapter. Any conditions imposed must be in writing and made part of the resolution.
(ff) After a final decision is reached by the city council denying a site plan, no further applications for site plan approval may be considered for that particular station or transfer center site for two years from the date of the final decision. If the city council renders a final decision of denial without prejudice, the two year time limitation is waived. A property owner may apply for a waiver of the two year time limitation by submitting a request in writing to the director. Only the city council may waive the time limitation applicable to site plans reviewed under this subsection. A simple majority vote by the city council is required to grant the request. The two year time limitation applicable to site plans reviewed under this subsection does not affect the ability of a property owner to apply for a specific use permit for the same site.
(gg) Authorization by city council resolution shall no longer be available for a particular station or transfer center site when an application is made for a specific use permit for that site unless the application is withdrawn prior to the mailing of notices for the public hearing before the city plan commission. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 19786; 20122; 20493; 20625; 21001; 21663; 22026; 22799; 23735; 23766; 24833; 25047; 28073; 28424; 30890; 30932; 32002)