The city shall have power to prohibit the erection, construction or repair of any building or structure of any kind within the city without a permit first having been issued by the city for the construction, erection or repair of such building or structure, and may authorize a fee to be charged for such permit, and in pursuance of said authority, may authorize the inspection by the city of all buildings or structures during the progress of their construction and may require that all buildings shall be constructed or repaired in conformity with the building regulations which exist in the city or which shall hereafter be passed.
The city may acquire and appropriate land inside or outside of the city for the purpose of establishing, laying out or enlarging any parks, parkways or pleasure grounds, and to provide that the cost of such land and improvements shall be paid for wholly or in part, to the extent not exceeding the special benefits received by the property owners owning property in the vicinity thereof and benefitted thereby, and for such purpose all of the powers conferred by the Act of the Fortieth Legislature, known as House Bill No. 401, Chapter 283, page 433, of the General Laws, passed by the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, as amended or as may hereafter be amended, are hereby adopted and made a part of this charter, and the same may be used by the city council in the manner and for the purposes of the condemnation of said land and the appointment of commissioners therefor and the assessing of the cost. In making the assessments against property owners specifically benefitted, as well as in condemnation proceedings, the same shall be governed as far as practicable by laws relating to the opening and widening of streets.
The city shall have authority to establish and maintain a public library or libraries within the city and to cooperate with any person, firm or corporation upon such terms as the city council may prescribe, for the establishment of such public library or libraries. To that end the council shall annually appropriate out of the general revenue of the city, a fund for the support and maintenance of the public library.
The city shall have full power or authority to acquire or own, within or without the City of Dallas, either by purchase, donation, bequest, or otherwise, all property that may be necessary for the purpose of establishing a radio and television broadcasting station. The radio and television broadcasting station may be used for the police and fire-rescue communications system and such other communicating systems as the council may deem appropriate. It shall be used for the convenience and edification of the people of Dallas, and for such purpose the city council may appoint a suitable commission to operate and conduct the same, and to exercise all powers in connection therewith. The exercise of the power to operate the radio and television broadcasting station shall be deemed governmental in character and for municipal purposes. (Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 10)
All maps, plats, plans, profiles, reports, field notes, estimates, and other memoranda of professional work done by the head of any department of the city or under the department head’s direction and control during his or her tenure or term of office, shall be the property of the city. (Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 13)