The style of all ordinances shall be: “BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DALLAS”, and the style of all resolutions shall be: “BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DALLAS.” In each case words of like import may be used, but such caption may be omitted when said ordinances are published in book form, or are revised and digested under the order of the council.
All ordinances and resolutions of the city council, unless otherwise provided by state law, this charter, or the ordinance itself, shall be final on the passage or adoption by the required majority pursuant to one motion duly made, seconded and passed. Where the state law or this charter provides for a different procedure before the action of the council may become final, then in that event, the council shall follow the procedure required.
The vote upon the passage of any ordinance, resolution or motion shall be taken by voice vote unless otherwise requested by a member of the city council, in which case a roll call vote shall be taken. The results of all voting shall be entered upon the minutes of the proceedings of the council. Every ordinance, resolution, or motion shall require on final passage the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present unless more is required by state law, this Charter, or ordinance. (Amend. of 6-12-73, Prop. No. 33; Amend. of 8-12-89, Prop. No. 13)
All ordinances and resolutions passed by the city council shall become effective immediately from and after final publication, except in the following instances:
(1) where the state law or other provisions of this Charter provide otherwise, in which case the effective date shall be the earliest time therein prescribed;
(2) where the ordinance or resolution prescribes a different effective date;
(3) where an ordinance or resolution is adopted under the initiative and referendum provisions of this Charter, in which case the effective date thereof shall be immediately after the canvass of the election.