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   (a)   Any person who has been found by the ethics advisory commission to have knowingly violated any provision of this chapter may be prohibited by the city council from entering into any contract with the city for a period of two years.
   (b)   It is a violation of this chapter:
      (1)   for a person debarred from entering into a contract with the city to enter or attempt to enter into a contract with the city during the period of disqualification from contracting; or
      (2)   for a city official or employee to knowingly assist in a violation of Subsection (b)(1).
   (c)   Nothing in this section prohibits any person from receiving a city service or benefit, or from using a city facility, according to the same terms generally available to the public.
   (d)   A business entity may be disqualified from contracting with the city based on the conduct of the entity's employee or agent if the conduct occurred within the scope of employment or agency with the entity. (Ord. Nos. 24316; 32072; 32472)