(a) Purpose. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the city that the proper operation of democratic government requires that:
(1) city officials and employees be independent, impartial, and responsible only to the people of the city;
(2) governmental decisions and policy be made using the proper procedures of the governmental structure;
(3) except as provided in the Dallas City Charter, no city official or employee shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, or engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity; or incur any obligation of any nature that is in conflict with the proper discharge of the city official's or employee's duties in the public interest;
(4) public office not be used for personal gain; and
(5) the city council at all times be maintained as a nonpartisan body.
(b) Principles of conduct. The city council further believes that an employee or elected or appointed official of the city assumes a public trust and should recognize the importance of high ethical standards within the organization they lead or support. Essential values and ethical behaviors that an employee or elected or appointed official should exemplify include the following:
(1) Commitment beyond self.
(2) Obedience and commitment to the law.
(3) Commitment to the public good.
(4) Respect for the value and dignity of all individuals.
(5) Accountability to the public.
(6) Truthfulness.
(7) Fairness.
(8) Responsible application of resources.
(c) Application.
(1) To implement the purpose and principles of conduct in this section, the city council has determined that it is advisable to enact this code of ethics for all city officials, employees, and persons doing business with the city, to serve as a standard for official conduct and as a basis for discipline.
(2) This chapter is cumulative of and supplemental to all applicable provisions of the city charter, other city ordinances, and state and federal laws and regulations. Compliance with this chapter does not excuse or relieve any person from any obligation imposed by the city charter, other city ordinances, or state or federal laws or regulations.
(3) Even if a city official or employee is not prohibited from taking official action by this chapter, action may be prohibited by duly promulgated personnel rules.