The provisions of this chapter apply to all territory within the city and are for the benefit and protection of the city, its citizens, and the city's solid waste collection and disposal utility. (Ord. Nos. 16367; 29881)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
(1) ALLEY. Any public way, generally of less width than a street, used for public utility purposes and right-of-way and as an alternate secondary or emergency route for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, generally situated at the rear of or alongside a tier of lots.
(2) APARTMENT HOUSE. Apartment house as defined by the building code.
(3) BRUSH AND BULKY TRASH. Brush and bulky trash originating from the dwelling unit (residence or duplex) being serviced by sanitation services.
(A) BRUSH. Cuttings or trimmings, individual pieces not exceeding eight inches in diameter or 10 feet in length, from trees, shrubs, or lawns and similar materials, which also may include yard trash consisting of bagged leaves, twigs, and other similar objects.
(B) BULKY TRASH. Furniture, appliances (freon removed, if applicable), mattresses, small household trash that is bagged or containerized, and other household objects too large for routine placement in normal compaction-type collection vehicles via the provided rollcart. This definition does not include household garbage (bagged or un-bagged), wet solid waste, construction debris, automotive parts, soil, rocks, stones, tires, electronics, household hazardous waste (e.g. chemicals, paints, fuel), or other items designated in writing by the director of sanitation.
(4) BUILDING. A structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
(5) BUILDING CODE. The Dallas Building Code, as amended.
(6) CITY. The city of Dallas, Texas.
(7) CODE. The Dallas City Code, as amended.
(8) COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any structure intended or used for the purpose of conducting a commercial business enterprise.
(9) CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. Those materials resulting from the alteration, construction, destruction, rehabilitation, remodeling, or significant repair of any manmade physical structure including houses, buildings, industrial or commercial facilities, and roadways. This includes but is not limited to brick, concrete, other masonry materials, stone, glass, drywall, framing and finishing lumber, roofing materials, plumbing fixtures, HVAC equipment such as heating and air conditioning equipment and ductwork, insulation, and wall-to-wall carpeting. This definition does not include incidental waste from small home repairs (e.g. replacing a toilet, sink, small amounts of carpet or lumber, fence panels, or doors).
(10) CONTAINER. A receptacle for the deposit of solid waste, including garbage and recyclable materials (meeting the requirements of Section 18-3 for containers).
(11) DESIGNATED ALLEY. An alley that is not paved to city standard with concrete or asphalt, that has a right-of-way less than 12 feet in width, that deadends, that serves a dual use as a lined drainage channel, or that involves other unusual conditions and which has been designated by the director of sanitation.
(12) DIRECTOR OF SANITATION. The head of the department of sanitation services of the city or any authorized representative.
(13) DOWNTOWN AREA. The area within the Dallas city limits bounded by the west line of Houston Street, the south line of all properties on the south side of Young Street, the east line of Pearl Street, and the south line of Gaston-Pacific extension.
(14) DRIVE-IN SERVICE. Service involving city sanitation service employees driving in on private property to collect garbage or recyclable materials.
(15) DRY SOLID WASTE. Trash (or rubbish), as defined in this section.
(16) DUPLEX. A structure intended for the use and occupancy as two family dwelling units.
(17) DWELLING UNIT. Dwelling unit has the meaning assigned in Section 51A-2.102 of the Dallas Development Code, as amended.
(18) FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. Cafe, restaurant, or other similar establishment serving food or food products, including quick service drive-ins where food is prepared or served.
(19) GARBAGE. Solid waste consisting of putrescible animal and vegetable waste materials resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food, including waste materials from markets, storage facilities, handling and sale of produce, and other food products.
(20) ILLEGALLY DUMPED SOLID WASTE. Any solid waste placed on property with or without the consent of the owner or person in control.
(21) INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE. Solid waste resulting from or incidental to any process of industry or manufacturing, or mining or agricultural operations.
(22) INSTITUTION OR INSTITUTIONAL. Any church, church building, or structure housing any charitable or philanthropic undertaking, or any school.
(23) MANAGER. The person in charge of real estate used for apartment, institutional, or commercial purposes.
(24) MANUAL COLLECTION. The service rendered in collecting municipal solid waste, including recyclable materials, in bags or from containers where sanitation workers pick up the bags and containers manually instead of by mechanical means.
(25) MOBILE HOME PARK. Six or more mobile home type dwelling units or mobile home parking spaces that are:
(A) all located on one lot under single ownership; and
(B) only accessible by a private road.
(26) MULCH. Cutting grass, weeds, and similar vegetation into fine particles.
(27) MULTIFAMILY SITE RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICE. The business of removing recyclable material, for processing, from a multifamily site for compliance with Section 18-5.1 of this code.
(28) MULTIFAMILY SITE. Multifamily site means eight or more dwelling units on a lot.
(29) MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE. Solid waste resulting from or incidental to municipal, community, commercial, and recreational activities, including garbage, trash (or rubbish), ashes, street cleanings, dead animals, and all other solid waste other than industrial solid waste.
(30) OCCUPANT. A person living on premises or in control of premises.
(31) OWNER. A person or the person's agent, including a condominium or homeowner's association, jointly or severally, with an ownership interest in a commercial establishment, multifamily site, residence, or duplex.
(32) OVERSIZED BRUSH AND BULKY TRASH COLLECTION. A collection of brush and bulky trash greater in volume than the standard limit of 10 cubic yards.
(33) PACKOUT SERVICE. Service involving city sanitation service employees walking in on private property or walking in to a point that is not immediately adjacent to a location reasonably accessible to the standard city garbage or recycling truck by route of a public right-of-way to collect garbage or recyclable materials. Brush and bulky trash collection will not be rendered as a pack out service.
(34) PARKWAY. The area ordinarily intervening between the curb line of a street and the adjacent property line, or the sidewalk if a sidewalk exists.
(35) PERMITTEE. Any person licensed by the city of Dallas to contract to collect, remove, or dispose of solid waste.
(36) PERSON. Any individual, corporation, organization, partnership, association, or any other legal entity.
(37) PROPERTY LINE. The peripheral boundary of real estate.
(38) PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT. A right-of-way used or dedicated to be used by any public utility, including but not limited to services such as electricity, telephone, gas, solid waste collection, water, sewer, and drainage.
(39) PUBLIC WAY. Any street, alley, easement, or other right-of-way.
(40) RECYCLING. The process of collecting, sorting, cleansing, treating, and reconstituting recyclable materials for the purpose of using the altered form in the manufacture of a new product.
(41) RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. Any material or product designated in writing by the director of sanitation as being suitable for re-use and/or recycling.
(42) RESIDENCE. A structure intended for use and occupancy as a one family dwelling unit, including a mobile type dwelling unit that is not part of a mobile home park.
(43) ROLLCART. A plastic receptacle, which is furnished by the city for the collection of residential refuse and recyclable materials, that:
(A) has two wheels and a lid;
(B) is designed to be lifted and emptied mechanically;
(C) is too large for handling by manual means; and
(D) is from 48 to 96 gallons.
(44) ROLLCART SERVICE. The service rendered in collecting municipal solid waste, including recyclable materials, by mechanical means from rollcart containers furnished by the city.
(45) SANITARY LANDFILL. A method of disposing of municipal solid waste on land without creating a nuisance or hazard to public health or safety by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the solid waste to the smallest practical area, to reduce it to the smallest practical volume, and to cover it with a layer of earth at appropriate periodic intervals.
(46) SANITATION SERVICES. The department of the city that is responsible for the operation of the city's solid waste collection and disposal utility, including, but not limited to, the collection, removal, disposal, and processing of municipal solid waste (including recyclable materials).
(47) STREET. Any public roadway for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
(48) TRASH (OR RUBBISH). Municipal solid wastes other than garbage and further categorized as:
(A) BRUSH AND BULKY TRASH. Has the meaning as defined in Section 18-2(3) of this chapter.
(B) YARD TRIMMINGS. Consisting of bagged organic yard waste such as leaves, grass, twigs, and other small organic waste. Yard trimmings placed in paper lawn bags or compostable bags is considered brush and yard trimmings placed in plastic bags is considered bulky trash.
(C) HOUSEHOLD TRASH. Paper, wood, glass, metal, cans, rags, cartons, rubber, plastic, and other similar materials.
(D) CONTAINERIZED TRASH. Household or yard trash in containers not exceeding a combined weight of 50 pounds.
(49) UNPAVED ALLEY. Any alley not paved with concrete or asphalt.
(50) VEGETATION. Any plant growth.
(51) VEHICLES. Every wheeled conveyance or any other device in, or by which any property may be transported or drawn upon a public street or highway, including devices used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks.
(52) WALKWAY. Any area, paved or unpaved, normally used as a pedestrian right-of-way.
(53) WET SOLID WASTE. Any putrescible animal or vegetable waste materials, other than waterborne waste material, resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, or consumption of food, including waste material from markets, storage facilities, or the handling or sale of produce or other food products. (Ord. Nos. 16367; 19409; 21058; 21186; 22026; 23694; 24743; 26960; 27697; 29879; 29881; 30879; 31231)
(a) Containers for residences and duplexes. Every occupant of a residence or duplex shall provide the premises with a sufficient number of solid waste containers to provide for the peak output of municipal solid wastes from those premises without overloading the containers. The containers must be rollcarts and must meet the requirements of this subsection.
(1) At a residence or duplex, a person shall use only city owned and provided rollcarts as solid waste containers, except that blue rollcarts may be used as solid waste containers for recyclable materials.
(2) A person shall comply with the following requirements when using a rollcart or a blue or clear recycling bag as a solid waste container:
(A) A container must not be overloaded to the point where spillage occurs from overflow, wind, or handling.
(B) A container must be closed or secured at the top to prevent spillage.
(C) Glass and other wastes that are dangerous to handle must be securely wrapped, and the container must be labeled to warn of the need for careful handling.
(D) Ashes must be cold before being placed in a container.
(E) Non-recyclable materials must not be placed in a container (rollcart) designated for recyclable materials. A recycling rollcart that is used for non-recyclable materials may be removed from the premises at the direction of the director of sanitation.
(3) Unless otherwise specified by the director of sanitation, and in addition to the requirements of Subsection (a)(3), a person shall comply with the following requirements when using a rollcart as a solid waste container:
(A) A rollcart must be placed for collection so that there is a minimum clearance of three feet to each side of the rollcart and one and one-half feet to the rear of the rollcart from any fence, gas meter, telephone pole, utility box, tree, shrub, additional collection container, or other potential obstruction. A rollcart must be placed so that its handle faces the dwelling unit.
(B) No person shall block or cause to be blocked access to or hinder collection of a rollcart that has been placed for curbside collection.
(C) Solid waste, including recyclable materials, must be placed in a rollcart in a manner that prevents the contents from blowing out of the rollcart when being emptied.
(D) The director of sanitation must be promptly notified of any need for repair or replacement of a rollcart. Cleanliness of a rollcart is the responsibility of the occupant or owner of the premises to which the rollcart is provided.
(E) A 60 to 65 gallon rollcart may not weigh more than 200 pounds when loaded, and a 90 to 96 gallon rollcart may not weigh more than 250 pounds when loaded.
(F) Additional rollcarts for garbage and recyclable materials may be obtained from the director of sanitation for an additional fee set forth in Section 18-9(c)(1) of this article.
(G) A rollcart that is lost or damaged due to a customer's negligence may be replaced for a fee as set forth in Section 18-9(c)(8) of this article.
(b) Containers for apartments, mobile home parks, institutions, and commercial establishments. Every owner of an apartment, mobile home park, institution, or commercial establishment shall provide the premises with a sufficient number of solid waste containers to provide for the peak output of municipal solid wastes from those premises without overloading the containers.
(1) A container must be watertight and constructed of a solid and durable grade of metal or plastic material. Any container that is manually collected by city sanitation services employees must not exceed 96 gallons in capacity, and the combined weight of the waste and the container must not exceed 250 pounds. A container must not be overloaded to a point where spillage occurs from overflow, wind, or handling.
(2) All containers must meet the following requirements:
(A) A container must be provided with suitable lifting handles on the outside and a close-fitting or other approved cover equipped with a handle.
(B) A container must not contain any inside structure, such as a band or reinforcing angle, or anything within the container to prevent the free discharge of the contents. A container that has deteriorated or become damaged to the extent that the cover will not fit securely or that has a jagged or sharp edge capable of causing injury to a sanitation services employee or other person whose duty it is to handle the container will be condemned by the city. If such a container is not replaced after notice to the owner or user, the container will be removed along with its contents.
(a) General. It shall be the duty of every occupant of any residence or duplex to provide a sufficient number of solid waste containers at the place designated by the director of sanitation for collection of municipal solid waste from the particular premises and to provide adequate capacity for the solid waste placed out for collection without overloading the capacity of the containers or wedging the contents in the container by compaction.
(1) All containers must conform to the requirements of Section 18-3(a).
(2) A person commits an offense if he collects dry or wet solid waste, including salvageable newspaper or any other recyclable material, from a residence or duplex. It is a defense to prosecution under this paragraph that the person was:
(A) the owner or occupant of the residence or duplex;
(B) employed or under contract with the city to provide solid waste collection services to the residence or duplex and was in the performance of official duties;
(C) a charitable organization that gathers clothes, salvageable newspapers, or other recyclable material;
(D) hauling away brush, bulky trash, or yard trash from the residence or duplex as a service that was incidental to a maintenance, delivery, lawn, or home improvement service being provided by the person to the residence or duplex; or
(E) providing recycling services to the premises pursuant to a written agreement with the owner or occupant of the residence or duplex and was collecting only recyclable materials that were composed solely of one or more of the following:
(i) newspapers, magazines, catalogs, telephone books, corrugated cardboard, scrap paper, office paper, or junk mail; or
(ii) empty and rinsed aluminum, steel, glass, or recyclable plastic containers that were only used for the storage or processing of consumable food or beverage products, medications, or ordinary household detergents or soaps and that were never used to store or process any hazardous material or hazardous waste.
(3) The city may, through the competitive bid process, contract with a private solid waste collection service, which is franchised in accordance with Article IV of this chapter, to provide solid waste collection, including the collection of recyclable materials, for specific areas designated by the director of sanitation.
(b) Placement of containers for alley collection service. Except as may be otherwise authorized by the director of sanitation, it shall be unlawful for any person to place any container within any alley within the city. If a fence separates the alley from the lot where the container is located, the container must be placed outside the fence in a manner that protects the container from overturn or spillage and does not interfere with solid waste collection service in the alley. A container may not be placed in a rack, and any rack on the premises may not extend into the alley or interfere with solid waste collection service in the alley.
(c) Placement of garbage or recycling containers for curb collection service. Where a residence or duplex is designated by the director of sanitation to be provided with curb collection service, each container must be placed just behind the curbline of the street abutting such property, but may not be placed in the street, on the sidewalk, or in any manner where the container will interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic or with solid waste collection service.
(1) Where garbage or recyclable materials are collected from the street curbline adjacent to the property, a container must be placed there no earlier than 6:00 p.m. of the afternoon preceding the collection day and must be removed to a point at the side or rear of the structure not later than 8:00 a.m. of the day following collection.
(2) A container must be placed in a manner that protects it from overturn and spillage.
(3) A container may not be placed in a rack, and any rack on the premises may not extend into the street or sidewalk or interfere with solid waste collection service.
(d) Placement of garbage and recycling containers for packout or drive-in collection service. Garbage containers and recycling containers must be placed at locations and under such conditions approved by the director of sanitation for packout or drive-in collection service by the sanitation services of the city.
(e) Placement of brush and bulky trash. Brush and bulky trash must be placed just behind the curb line of the street abutting the property from which the brush and trash originated, or as otherwise designated by the director of sanitation, but must not be placed:
(1) in the street, on the sidewalk, or in any manner that will interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic or with solid waste collection service;
(2) out for collection earlier than the Thursday preceding the collection week or later than 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of the collection week;
(3) within five feet from a rollcart, mailbox, fence or wall, water meter, telephone connection box, or parked cars;
(4) under low hanging tree limbs or power lines;
(5) in an alley either paved or unpaved; or
(6) in front of a vacant lot or business.
(f) Allowable quantity of brush and bulky trash.
(1) The quantity of brush and bulky trash set out during a collection week may not exceed 10 cubic yards, unless the service unit has designated their monthly collection as their one time per year oversized collection.
(2) Limits may be temporarily lifted at the discretion of the director of sanitation for matters concerning public health and safety.
(g) Oversized brush and bulky trash collection.
(1) In general. The occupant of a residence or duplex may request one oversized brush and bulky trash collection per year to occur during one of their normal collection months. This oversized collection will take the place of one of the 12 monthly brush and bulky trash collections.
(2) Dimensions. An oversized collection may not exceed 20 cubic yards or consist of more than 10 cubic yards of bulky trash.
(3) Request. An occupant of a residence or duplex must submit, either online or by phone, an oversized collection service request through the city's 311 services requests systems before the beginning of an occupant's normally scheduled collection week in order to avoid an excessive volume service fee.
(4) Fee. Where the quantity of the oversized brush and bulky trash set out for collection exceeds 20 cubic yards, the set out may be collected and a fee will be assessed on the dwelling unit's water bill pursuant to a fee set forth in Section 18-4
(h) Excessive and non-compliant brush and bulky trash service fees.
(1) Excessive brush and bulky trash service fees. Where the quantity of brush and bulky trash set out for collection exceeds 10 cubic yards and a request for an oversized brush and bulky trash collection was not submitted, the set out may be collected and a fee will be assessed on the dwelling unit's water bill. The fee will be assessed at a rate of $60 per five cubic yards, billed in five cubic yard increments.
(2) Non-compliant brush and bulky trash service fees. A dwelling unit is subject to a service charge for a collection of a non-compliant brush and bulky trash set out which contains excluded items as defined in Section 18-2
(3), that are with or on top of the set out, or if such items are placed so close to the set out pile that the items cannot reasonably be removed from the pile to be collected. A service charge will be placed on the dwelling unit's water bill. The fee will be assessed at a rate of $60 per five cubic yards, billed in five cubic yard increments.
(a) The manual collection of dry or wet solid waste from an apartment, institution, commercial establishment, or mobile home park shall be performed by a sanitation services employee only where each container conforms to the requirements of Section 18-3(b) of this chapter.
(b) Brush or trash collection from an apartment, institution, commercial establishment, or mobile home park shall not be rendered as a packout service by a sanitation services employee.
(c) No person other than a sanitation services employee in the performance of official duties, shall collect dry or wet solid waste, including salvageable cardboard, from an area designated by this chapter or by the director of sanitation as a city waste collection location at an apartment, institution, commercial establishment, or mobile home park.
(d) Solid waste collection from an apartment, institution, commercial establishment, or mobile home park may be performed by a person who has a solid waste collection license as provided in Article IV of this chapter.
(e) If an apartment, institution, commercial establishment, or mobile home park has contracted with a solid waste collection service to perform solid waste collection, the solid waste collection service shall collect solid waste that contains putrescible material at least twice every seven days.
(f) If not regulated by this chapter, the placement of any container for collection from an apartment, institution, commercial establishment, or mobile home park must be approved by the director of sanitation. (Ord. Nos. 16367; 19409; 19991; 21058)
(a) General regulations. The owner of a multifamily site shall:
(1) provide single stream, dual stream, or valet recycling through persons holding a multifamily site recycling collection service permit pursuant to Article IV-a of this chapter.
(2) provide recycling container(s) through persons holding a multifamily site recycling collection service permit pursuant to Article IV-a of this chapter.
(3) provide and place recycling containers in locations within visibility of waste containers. If valet trash service is provided, the recycling service should be of a similar nature. If trash chute rooms or trash rooms are utilized, then the recycling service should be of a similar nature or should be as convenient for the tenant, such as placing a recycling container adjacent to the trash chute, if there is adequate space.
(4) provide information (e.g. posters, signs) in suitable common areas, such as mail rooms and laundry facilities, that discusses how to recycle at the property, including information on the types of recyclable materials that are acceptable using photos or images, the chasing arrows recycling symbol, locations of recycling containers, and onsite contact information to report overflowing recycling containers and contamination. If the property utilizes valet recycling collection services, then only information regarding how to recycle and materials accepted is required.
(5) educate each tenant on recycling program implementation upon lease commencement and biannually thereafter of the following:
(A) the multifamily site provides access to recycling in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Dallas City Code;
(B) location of recycling containers;
(C) types of recycling materials accepted;
(D) information related to proper recycling practices, including that cardboard boxes should be broken down before placed in recycling containers;
(E) onsite contact information to report overflowing recycling containers and contamination; and
(F) information on how to report waste or recycling problems to the City of Dallas, utilizing 3-1-1, the 311 app or submitting an online service request.
(6) inform each tenant within 30 days of any significant change in recycling services to the multifamily site.
(7) for multifamily sites offering back-of-house and valet recycling, provide biannual training (or within 30 days of new employee start date) to those collecting recyclable materials of the following:
(A) types of clean and empty materials accepted in recycling containers;
(B) instruction to break down cardboard boxes before depositing into recycling containers serviced by a permitted multifamily site recycling collection service business;
(C) for multifamily sites providing valet recycling, instruction to empty plastic bags before depositing contents into recycling containers serviced by permitted multifamily site recycling collection service businesses and instruction to place plastic bags into waste or garbage containers to be landfilled;
(D) location of recycling containers; and
(E) onsite contact information for reporting overflowing recycling containers and contamination.
(8) submit an annual recycling plan to the director of sanitation as set forth in Subsection (g) of this section, along with an affidavit of compliance as part of the owner's annual multi-tenant registration or on a form approved by the director of sanitation.
(b) Recyclable materials for collection. The owner of a multifamily site must provide collection for recyclable materials that are consistent with those materials accepted by the city's residential recycling program, unless otherwise exempted by the director of sanitation.
(c) Recycling collection and capacity. The owner of a multifamily site must provide recycling container collection capacity equal to or greater than 11 gallons per unit, per week.
(d) Recycling containers. A recycling container must:
(1) be a roll cart, bin, wheelie bin, dumpster, or compactor. Wheelie bins, dumpsters, and compactors larger than two yards may have restricted access to prevent gross contamination; and
(2) comply with screening and other applicable regulations in the Dallas Development Code, as amended.
(e) Parking reduction. Minimum parking required for a multifamily site may be reduced in order to provide adequate space for recycling containers.
(f) Implementation.
(1) An owner of a multifamily site shall implement a multifamily site recycling program by January 1, 2020.
(2) An owner of a multifamily site applying for a certificate of occupancy after January 1, 2020, shall immediately comply with this section upon issuance of the property's certificate of occupancy and submit a recycling plan with their initial multi-tenant registration application.
(g) Recycling plans.
(1) The owner of a multifamily site shall submit a recycling plan each year, as part of their annual multi-tenant registration application, to the city. Initial recycling plans must be submitted upon the first annual multi-tenant registration after January 1, 2020. Electronic or hard copy of the recycling plan information should be available for inspection on site after January 1, 2020. The recycling plan must include the following information:
(A) name of permitted multifamily site recycling collection service business utilized;
(B) types of materials recycled;
(C) type, size, location(s), and frequency of recycling container(s) collection;
(D) a site map of the property showing current garbage and recycling locations, unless valet recycling service is provided and no community recycling containers are available;
(E) notation of any changes to the multifamily site recycling program in the previous calendar year, including but not limited to changes of the following: multifamily site recycling collection service business utilized or method of collection, if applicable; and
(F) any other information that the director of sanitation deems necessary, and is reasonable, to verify compliance with this ordinance or to enhance program reporting capabilities and other information.
(2) The owner of a multifamily site shall maintain records and examples of materials relevant to meeting the requirements of Section 18-5.1(a)(5) and make records available if requested by the city manager's designee, or that designee's authorized representative during an on-site inspection.
(3) The director of sanitation may reject a recycling plan if it does not contain the information specified in this section or meet the minimum requirements as defined in this section. The owner of a multifamily site shall submit a revised plan no later than 30 days from notification of the director of sanitation's determination to reject the plan.
(h) Inspection. For any multifamily site, the city manager's designee, or that designee's authorized representative, may conduct an inspection for compliance with this section and verify the site's provision of access to recycling services at any time or when an inspection under Section 27-42, of Chapter 27 of the Dallas City Code, as amended, is conducted, even if the multifamily site is not a rental property, as defined in Chapter 27 of the Dallas City Code, as amended.
(i) Exemptions and Implementation Extension.
(1) Section 18-5.1(a)(8) does not apply to multifamily sites that have a current contract with the City of Dallas to receive recycling collection services from the city.
(2) The owner of a multifamily site may submit to the director of sanitation, within 90 days of required recycling program implementation, a written request for an implementation extension and/or exemption from all or specifics provisions of the regulations of this section because of the owner's inability to comply. The director of sanitation will conduct a thorough evaluation on whether the owner demonstrated an inability to comply with the ordinance. The owner will receive a determination by the director of sanitation in writing within 60 days. The director of sanitation's decision will be final. (Ord. 30879)
(a) The collection of solid waste materials from the downtown area, as described herein, shall be governed by all the rules and regulations pertaining to apartments, institutions and commercial establishments, except that no solid waste materials or containers of any kind shall be placed for collection on the public streets, sidewalks, alleys or easements of the city prior to 6:00 p.m. and all containers must be removed to a location inside the building situated on the premises by not later than 10:00 p.m.
(b) At any of the establishments in the downtown area where there is sufficient space between any structure and the alley property line, the easement property line, or street property line to permit the placing of waste containers as required by the provisions of this chapter relating to residences and duplexes, the containers may be placed in such public way at the very boundary thereof so as to permit the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, subject to the approval of the director of sanitation. In these special locations, the owner or occupant of the premises shall remove all containers immediately after the solid waste material has been collected to a place within the structure situated on the premises until the next regularly scheduled time for collection. (Ord. 16367)