1444.01   Right of entry.
1444.02   Examination of buildings prior to issuance of permits.
1444.03   Site inspections at intervals.
1444.04   Inspections at point of manufacture.
1444.05   Point of sale inspections.
1444.06   Use, effect and sanctions arising from certificate of inspection.
1444.07   Violations and penalties.
   Enforcement of Residential Building Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three Family Dwellingse - see B. & H. 1422.04
   Enforcement of Ohio Plumbing Code - see B. & H. 1424.04
   Enforcement of National Electrical Code - see B. & H. 1426.04
   Inspections of machinery or equipment producing industrial fumes and gases - see B. & H. 1472.05
   Inspections under Exterior Property Maintenance Code - see B. & H. 1490.06(b)
   Fire inspections - see F.P. 1610.09