Purchasing and Contracting System
3.07.005 Purpose and intent
3.07.010 Definitions
3.07.015 Purchasing officer designation, duties and authority
3.07.020 Issuance of purchase order or approval of contract required
3.07.025 Unauthorized purchases and contracts
3.07.030 Specialized purchasing and contracting procedures
3.07.035 Employee interest prohibited
3.07.040 Issuance of purchase orders and awards of contracts to local businesses
3.07.045 Multi-year contracts
3.07.050 Change orders and contract amendments
3.07.055 Exceptions to bidding requirements
3.07.060 Emergencies
3.07.065 Professional and general services
3.07.070 Informal bid procedures
3.07.075 Formal bid procedures
3.07.080 Interpretation of bid and proposal specifications
3.07.085 Equal bids
3.07.090 Contracts for public works projects
3.07.095 Disposition of city surplus property
3.07.200 Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund
3.07.205 Capital outlay funds
Revenue Bonds
3.07.300 Issuance and sale of revenue bonds
Benefit assessment district, see Ch. 15.01
Claim procedures, see §§ 3.10.005 et seq.
Finance and Judiciary Committee, see § 3.01.020
Financial and fiscal matters, see Charter §§ 1600 et seq.