A. Any alteration to, amendment of, or deviation from an awarded purchase order or contract as to scope, cost, time for completion, material, equipment or services furnished as a part of the purchase order or contract, or any alteration to, amendment of, or deviation from the nature of work to be performed, shall require the completion and issuance of a Change Order or execution of a contract amendment, as applicable. Additions to work cannot be combined with deletions to work to avoid the requirements of this § 3.07.050.
B. If the original purchase order or contract was approved by the Purchasing Officer, then the Purchasing Officer may approve a Change Order or contract amendment, as applicable, for that purchase order or contract; provided, the Change Order or contract amendment does not exceed the Purchasing Officer's Purchasing Authority. If the original purchase order or contract was approved by the City Council, then the Purchasing Officer may approve a Change Order or contract amendment in an amount that does not exceed the Purchasing Officer's Purchasing Authority. All other Change Orders and contract amendments shall be approved by the City Council or the person, if any, designated in a contract approved by the City Council. No Change Order or contract amendment shall be binding on the City until approved as provided in this § 3.07.050.
C. Change Orders shall not be issued unless:
1. The Change Order arises in good faith out of an unknown condition or unforeseen circumstance differing materially from the conditions of the purchase order or contract; or the Change Order-arises due to an error or omission, as determined by the City, in the City's bid specification that accompanied the request for bids; or the City desires to make a material substitution or addition to the project based on new information obtained during the construction phase of the project; and the Change Order does not change the purpose and is reasonably related to the scope of work of the original purchase order or contract; and
2. With regard to the purchase of equipment, goods or supplies, the Change Order is required to allow the equipment, goods or supplies to fulfill the purpose for which they were intended, and such Change Order does not authorize the purchase of additional equipment, goods or supplies that could also be purchased from another source and used compatibly with the equipment, goods or supplies purchased.
(Ord. 2018-008 § 1 (part))