Firemen’s Relief Association
34.01 Recognition of Firemen’s Relief Association
34.02 Certification to Auditor General
34.03 Annual appropriation
Good Will Hose Company and Fire Company No. 1
34.15 Fire Companies recognized
34.16 Authorized activities of these Fire Companies
34.17 Authorized activities of members of the Fire Companies
34.18 Purpose
Fire Department
34.30 Creation of Department
34.31 Authority of the Borough Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief
34.32 Election of the Borough Fire Chief and the Assistant Fire Chief; rotation system
34.33 Selection of Borough Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief
34.34 Rejection of Borough Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief; replacement procedure
34.35 Qualifications for Borough Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief
34.36 Death, resignation or removal from office; replacement procedures
34.37 Oath required before assuming office
34.38 Authority of Borough Council to remove Borough Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief
34.39 Salary of Borough Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief
34.40 Duties of the Borough Fire Chief
34.41 Duties of the Assistant Fire Chief
34.42 Additional regulations authorized
(A) (1) The following association(s) is hereby recognized as actively engaged in providing fire protection and/or emergency services in the borough: Cressona Firemen’s Relief Association.
(2) The above named association(s) have been formed for the benefit of its members and their families in case of death, sickness, temporary or permanent disability or accident suffered in the line of duty.
(B) The above named association(s) of the borough is designated the proper association(s) to receive such funds as are due and payable to the Borough Secretary/Treasurer by the Borough Secretary/Treasurer of the state from the tax on premiums from foreign fire insurance companies.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-501) (Res. passed 11-10-1930; Ord. 323, passed 7-6-1998)
The Borough Council shall annually certify to the Auditor General of the Commonwealth, the name(s) of the active associations and the percentage of service they contribute to the protection of the borough. Such certification shall be on forms prescribed by the Auditor General.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-502) (Res. passed 11-10-1930; Ord. 323, passed 7-6-1998)
(A) There is annually appropriated from the borough treasury all such sums of money that may hereafter be paid into the borough treasury by the Borough Secretary/Treasurer of the state on account of taxes paid on premiums of foreign fire insurance companies in pursuance of the Act of December 18, 1984, No. 205, §§ 701 et seq. as hereafter amended, supplemented, modified or reenacted by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania.
(B) Such monies received by the Borough Secretary/Treasurer from the State Treasurer shall be distributed to the duly recognized association(s) within 60 days of receipt.
(C) The funds shall be distributed on the basis of the percentage of service established in the certification to the Auditor General and with other provisions of the Act.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-503)
(A) The fire companies recognized by the borough are hereby authorized to provide such services to the borough as may be necessary for the protection of property and persons situated therein, which include, by way of example and not of limitation, the extinguishment and prevention of loss of life and property from fire, automobile accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents and other dangerous situations.
(B) The fire companies may also provide nonemergency and public services functions, such as, again by way of example and not of limitation, removing water from property after storms, and assisting in the removal, abatement and prevention of damage or injury to persons or property, whether through natural causes or human-made situations.
(C) The fire companies may also conduct and participate in such training activities and drills, either within or outside of the borough, as may be deemed necessary by the officers of the fire companies to maintain proficiency in providing service.
(D) The fire companies may also respond to calls and provide services to municipalities outside of the borough.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-512) (Ord. 300, passed 5-17-1993, § II)
In addition to actually participating in the activities of the fire companies as authorized above, or in going to or returning from any activity, the members for the fire companies recognized by the borough are also authorized to do the following things:
(A) Engage in any type of drill, training, ceremony, practice, test or parade while duly called for or authorized by an officer or officers of the fire companies;
(B) Engage in fundraising activities for the fire companies, when authorized by an officer or officers of the fire companies; and
(C) Engage in the performance of any other duty or activity authorized by any officer of the recognized fire companies.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-513) (Ord. 300, passed 5-17-1993, § III)