The Fire Department shall be under the supervision of an officer to be known as the Borough Fire Chief, and in the absence of the Borough Fire Chief his or her duties shall be performed by the Assistant Fire Chief. The Fire Chief shall be responsible for naming an individual who shall be responsible in the event that both the Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief are absent for an extended period of time, and shall notify the borough in writing of the identity of this individual.
(Ord. 07-2023, passed 8-7-2023)
(A) Beginning in 2024, the Borough Fire Chief shall be elected to two-year terms. The Borough Fire Company No. 1 and Goodwill Hose Company shall rotate the years in which each company has the priority for nominating the Fire Chief, such that in 2024 the Borough Fire Company No. 1 shall be given priority to nominate the Fire Chief, in 2026 Goodwill Hose Company shall be given priority to nominate the Fire Chief, and thereafter in the same order every two years. The fire company that has the nominating priority shall (“the nominating company”), by September 1 of the year immediately preceding its term, provide the Borough Council with the name of its nominee. The nominating company shall then have until November 1 of the year immediately preceding its term to provide the Borough Council with documentation to support the nomination and establish that the nominee is qualified to serve as Borough Fire Chief. If the nominating company fails to make a nomination or to adequately establish the fitness or qualifications of its nominee by the November 1 deadline, the nominating company shall forfeit its nominating priority and the other fire company shall have until December 31 to nominate a candidate for Fire Chief and provide all documentation supporting the nomination.
(B) Beginning in 2024, the Borough Assistant Fire Chief shall be elected to two-year terms. The Borough Fire Company No. 1 and the Goodwill Hose Company shall rotate the years in which each company has the priority for nominating the Assistant Fire Chief, such that in 2024 the Goodwill Hose Company shall be given priority to nominate the Assistant Fire Chief, in 2026 Borough Fire Company No. 1 shall be given priority to nominate the Assistant Fire Chief, and thereafter in the same order every two years. The fire company that has the nominating priority (“the nominating company”) shall, by September 1 of the year immediately preceding its term, provide the Borough Council with the name of its nominee. The nominating company shall then have until November 1 of the year immediately preceding its term to provide the Borough Council with documentation to support the nomination and establish that the nominee is qualified to serve as the Borough Assistant Fire Chief. If the nominating company fails to make a nomination or to adequately establish the fitness or qualifications of its nominee by the November 1 deadline, the nominating company shall forfeit its nominating priority and the other fire company shall have until December 31 to nominate a candidate for Assistant Fire Chief and provide all documentation supporting the nomination.
(C) The elections for the Borough Fire Chief and for the Assistant Fire Chief shall be conducted in accordance with the by-laws of each volunteer fire company.
(Ord. 07-2023, passed 8-7-2023)
(A) The volunteer fire company which is entitled to select the Borough Fire Chief and the volunteer fire company entitled to select the Assistant Fire Chief shall have the sole right to make the election from the membership of said volunteer fire company.
(B) The Borough Fire Chief and the Assistant Fire Chief chosen by the volunteer fire company shall be subject to the approval of the Borough Council.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-524) (Ord. 6-99, passed 9-7-1999, § 4)
In the event the Borough Council rejects the candidate nominated for the position of Borough Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief, the nominating company shall have until November 1 to nominate another candidate that meets all relevant requirements and is accepted by the borough. There is no limit on the number of candidates that the nominating company can submit. If the nominating company fails to put forth a nominee acceptable to the Borough Council by November 1, the other fire company shall have until December 31 to provide Borough Council with its own nominee and all documentation substantiating his or her fitness and qualifications.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-525) (Ord. 07-2023, passed 8-7-2023)
(A) The qualifications that are required for an individual to be elected by volunteer fire companies to be the Borough Fire Chief are as follows:
(1) Resident of Borough of Cressona;
(2) Five years service in the Cressona Fire Department;
(3) Completion and certificate for basic firefighting training;
(4) Completion and certificate for advanced firefighting training; and
(5) Completion and certificate of hazardous material training.
(B) The qualifications that are required for an individual to be elected by volunteer fire companies to be Assistant Fire Chief are as follows:
(1) Resident of Borough of Cressona;
(2) Three years service in the Cressona Fire Department; and
(3) Completion and certificate required above for the Borough Fire Chief.
(C) (1) Both local level or state provided training is, sufficient to meet the above course requirements.
(2) Written certification of training courses must be furnished by the respective fire companies at the time an individual selected by election of the fire companies is submitted to Borough Council for its approval.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-526) (Ord. 6-99, passed 9-7-1999, § 6)
(A) In the event of the death, resignation or removal of the Borough Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief the volunteer fire company who lost the officer in question through death, resignation or removal from office shall elect a new officer to fill the vacancy created for the balance of the two-year period.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-527) (Ord. 6-99, passed 9-7-1999, § 7; Ord. 07-2023, passed 8-7-2023)
Before assuming office as such, the Borough Fire Chief and/or Assistant Fire Chief shall take an oath to be administered by the Mayor to faithfully perform the duties of their respective offices.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-528) (Ord. 6-99, passed 9-7-1999, § 8)