(a) Ownership.
(1) Unless specifically accepted by the Board of Trustees in writing, all water, drainage and sewer pipelines located within the City shall be owned by the City, including those to which there may be a right to refund.
(2) Developers or owners who have completed construction of public roads, water, sewer or drainage lines shall deed them to the City, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances; furnish a bond in a form and amount previously approved by the City, to cover all maintenance, corrections and replacements required for one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the lines by the City; and provide a summary of the actual original cost of all deeded facilities, complete with verified invoices. At the end of the one-year maintenance period, the City, upon application of the developer or owner, shall conduct a final inspection of the lines. When all items are completed to the satisfaction of the City Manager, the City shall accept the lines for ownership, operation and maintenance responsibilities.
(3) In certain locations, local facilities have previously been constructed by the City or other developers (under a rebate agreement). In such cases, developers or owners will be required to reimburse the City for applicable costs prior to any connection or use.
(b) Pipeline sizing. Water distribution pipelines, collection sewer pipelines and storm drainage pipelines shall be sized adequately to serve the development tract for which they are designed. All pipeline systems shall be sized to accommodate the intent of the Master Plans, or as determined by the City Engineer. Where the distribution or collection lines also have a transmission function serving areas outside of the subject tract, as determined by the City Engineer, and then the City may require that the lines be oversized. In such case, the City will contribute to the actual cost an amount equal to the extra cost of oversizing. In no case shall water or sewer mains of eight-inch diameter or less, or storm sewer pipelines eighteen (18) inches or less, be considered as having a transmission function.
(c) Preliminary design procedures.
(1) Water distribution, collection, sewer and storm drainage planning may be accomplished by the City or by an engineer registered in Colorado, at the developer's option. All preliminary plans and final designs must be prepared by, or reviewed by the City Engineer and approved by the Board of Trustees. In any case, the City Engineer or Inspector shall perform prescribed inspection services.
(2) Any developer desiring to have water and/or sewer lines (local facilities) extended shall notify the City Manager. Normally an engineering pre-design report will be required. This report should address the benefited property owners, the size and location of proposed pipelines, and preliminary cost estimate. The developer's engineer or the City Engineer, at the developer's option, can prepare this report. In either case, the developer is responsible for the cost of preparation and review.
(3) If rebate provisions are contemplated, such arrangements shall be outlined in the report. The benefited properties and proposed rebate provisions and allocations should be included.
(4) After preliminary review, the developer may proceed with final design normally; during the preliminary phase, general conformity to the Master Plans will be reviewed and oversize requirements, if any, established. The developer is responsible for obtaining these approvals as well as resolving any differences in design requirements imposed by the City.
(d) Easements/rights-of-way.
(1) All water and sewer mains should be installed in trenches containing no other conduits. The line and depth of such installations shall be as approved by the City Engineer. The topography and alignment of such rights-of-way shall be suitable for main installation as determined by the City Engineer.
(2) Preliminary and final planning shall be such that adequate space and easement reservations shall be made available permanently to the City without charge, as approved by the City Engineer.
(e) Final design.
(1) The extension application and final design documents will be furnished to the City Engineer for review and thence to the Board of Trustees for approval.
(2) The submittal shall include construction drawings, specifications and other contract documents. These documents shall be prepared by the City Engineer or registered engineer acceptable to the City. In all cases, the contract documents must be reviewed and approved by the City. Plan and profile drawings shall be on a horizontal scale of 1" = 50' (larger scales may be accepted, as determined by the City Engineer). All elevations must be USGS datum. Where practical, elevations of existing City facilities shall be field-verified in the final design. Designs and specifications must include the provisions of Appendix B, Service Line Standards, a copy of which is available at the City Manager's office, with other detailed provisions as required by good engineering practice, all subject to the Board of Trustees' approval.
(3) Designs for water, sewer and drainage main extensions shall be submitted for review at least thirty (30) days before approval is expected.
(4) Plans and specifications shall be submitted to the City one (1) week (seven [7] days) prior to each reading.
(5) Plans, specifications and easements submitted for Board of Trustees approval must be complete and meet with the approval of the City Engineer.
(6) Design approvals are valid for twelve (12) months from the date of Board of Trustees approval unless otherwise specifically noted in the approval. If construction is not substantially complete by that time, resubmittal of the plans may be required and new construction may not be initiated without the City Manager's specific approval.
(f) Construction phase.
(1) After all approvals have been granted, the developer must have the extensions constructed in a strict accordance with the approved design and inspected by the City Engineer or Inspector.
(2) The City Engineer or Inspector will inspect to assure good quality construction, installation materials and practices in general conformity with the approved plans and specifications. The City Engineer or Inspector will not handle, or be responsible for, other construction phase-related services (e.g., staking easement and/or line locations, measuring quantities, preparing pay estimates and administrative or management-type relations with the contractor), unless the City Engineer is used for design or unless a specific contract for such services is executed with the City. In no case shall the City or the City Engineer be responsible for job safety.
(3) The developer shall schedule a preconstruction conference on the job site with the City Engineer or Inspector prior to construction. The developer shall notify the City five (5) working days prior to beginning construction, and thereafter keep the City Engineer or Inspector informed of the construction schedule. No work may be covered, hidden or completed without the presence and approval of the City Engineer or Inspector. Any City Engineer or Inspector time or expense caused by the contractor failing to work according to the proposed schedule shall be charged to the project as part of the actual cost.
(4) Construction staking shall be completed prior to the installation of the water, sewer or drainage lines. All staking shall be maintained throughout the installation of the water, sewer and drainage lines. Staking shall include easement or right-of-way stakes and cut/offset stakes (fifty-foot maximum spacing unless otherwise approved).
(g) As-built drawings.
(1) Accurate as-built drawings (sealed by the design engineer), showing adequate ties to physical facilities, must be provided at the completion of work by the owner's or developer's engineer. The City or its Engineer shall be provided with a reproducible set of as-built drawings on Mylar. These may be the original tracings or photographic reproducible. If the base drawings have been prepared by CAD methods, then a disc containing all the as-built information shall be furnished.
(2) As-built drawings shall furnish information in a manner similar to the approved standard drawing "Typical As-Built Information" contained in Appendix B, Service Line Standards, a copy of which is available at the City Manager's office.
(h) Maintenance. The City operates and maintains all water, drainage and sewer mains within the City which have been completed, accepted and deeded to the City, except that the developer shall provide for a one-year warranty period, beginning at the time of final acceptance by the City.
(Ord. 334 § 5.3, 2005; Ord. 347 §1, 2008)