Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used herein shall be as follows:
Actual cost means all direct costs applicable to the construction of a given facility, including surveys, preliminary and design engineering, construction, inspection, administrative, regulatory agency fees, bond fees, all required easements and/or rights-of-way, plan approval fees, ''as-built'' drawings, attorneys' fees and other costs necessary for completion.
City Manager means the City Manager or, in his or her absence, his or her duly authorized agent.
Board of Trustees means the governing body of the City.
B.O.D. (Denoting five-day, 20 degrees Centigrade Biochemical Oxygen Demand) means the amount of oxygen, which is utilized in the aerobic decomposition of sewage under laboratory procedures in accordance with the current "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater."
Customer means any person, company, corporation or governmental authority or agency authorized to use the public water, sewer or drainage systems under a permit issued or otherwise authorized by the Board of Trustees or the City Manager.
Customer facilities means those facilities intended to serve one (1) customer only. Examples are water service lines and sewer service lines.
Developer means the person, firm, joint venture, partnership or corporation, which owns undeveloped land, i.e., land that does not have immediate access to water or sewer lines, and which seeks to have the land served by the City.
Engineer means the engineering firm, or duly authorized representative (engineer), designated by the City to act on its behalf in all engineering and related matters. This item includes a construction inspector employed by the Engineer or City.
EQR is an abbreviation for Equivalent Residential Unit, which is an average single-family detached residence or the equivalent, from a systems demand standpoint.
Industrial wastes means the liquid wastes from industrial processes, as distinct from sanitary sewage.
Inspector means the City Manager, Public Works Director, Engineer, agent, officers and employees of the City or other person so designated by the City Manager to perform inspections pursuant to this Chapter.
Local facilities means those facilities generally designed primarily to serve individual subdivisions or plats. Examples are: water distribution systems, collector sewer lines and storm drainage collection systems.
Master Plan means the adopted Master Plan of the City, as amended from time to time.
Oversize costs is applicable to part of the costs of a water distribution line, a collection sewer line or a storm sewer to be installed within or for a subdivision; but for which the City has also assigned a transmission function that results in the need for a larger conduit. Oversize costs are the incremental difference between the actual costs of the size line required by the City and the size required by the developer; however; for purposes of determining oversize, the minimum size shall be assumed to be eight-inch diameter for water; eight (8) inches for sanitary sewer; eighteen (18) inches for storm sewer – only pipe larger may be considered oversized. Engineering and inspection costs are assumed to be proportional to estimated or experienced construction costs. Incremental costs will be allowed for line fittings, valves, manholes and other appurtenances (if a size increase is required).
Owner means the land's record titleholder or lessee with planning powers.
Permit means written permission of the City authorizing connection to a water or sewer main of the City, granting the applicant a license to use the water and sewer systems or to receive water or sewer service from the system owned, operated or served by the City.
Person means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.
Regional facilities mean those facilities generally serving the City's service areas as a whole. Examples are: water sources, water treatment plants and tanks, water transmission lines, trunk sewers, sewage treatment plant, major drain ways, storm water detention ponds and outlet works.
Sewer or sewer main means a City-owned sewer pipeline and tap, carrying sanitary sewage or approved industrial wastes only, and shall be installed in a public street or easement.
Sewer service line means the privately owned sewer line extending from the building drain to the sewer main tap onto the sewer main.
Sewage means any liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution from residences, commercial buildings, institutions and industrial establishments.
Shall is mandatory; may is permissive.
Suspended solids means the weight of filterable solids in milligrams present in one (1) liter of sewage.
System Development Fees (SDF) is a one-time, nonrefundable, capital fee assessed new customers (or existing customers having expanding demands) for connecting to, or utilizing each of, the City's utilities. The System Development represents the new customer's share in the City's equity in the regional facilities committed to serve that new customer.
Water main means a City-owned water pipeline carrying potable water only, and shall be installed in a public street or easement.
Water service line (lateral) means the privately owned water line extending from the curb valve and box to the customer's building. The City shall own, and be responsible for, that part of the service line in the public right-of-way or easement from the main tap to the curb valve and box. The customer shall own and be responsible for the remainder.
(Ord. 334 §1.7, 2005)