Sec. 7-3-30.   Abatement.
   (a)   Whenever the Board of Trustees shall direct, the City Manager or City Clerk shall immediately thereafter notify any owner of property by certified, return-receipt-requested mail, his or her agent or any person having charge of such property, in writing, that an order has been made by the Board of Trustees requiring the removal of any accumulated refuse from such property or premises within thirty (30) days after service of notice. If such property owner, agent or person having charge of such property does not remove such refuse in accordance with the requirement of such order, the Board of Trustees may order that such refuse be removed by the City Manager or other Trustee and assess the cost thereof against the property or premises.
   (b)   The amount so assessed shall be a lien upon such property until the same is paid; provided, however, that in case of failure to pay such assessment within ten (10) days after the same is made, the City Clerk shall cause a notice of such assessment to be given to the owner of such property, by publishing in a newspaper in the City for two (2) consecutive weeks, a notice to such property owner of the amount assessed against his or her property, and shall designate a time and place when the Board of Trustees will hear any objections as to the adjustment and correctness of the amount so assessed. If such assessment is not paid within ten (10) days after the time fixed for hearing such objections, and unless the same are sustained, the City Clerk shall certify such assessment to the County Treasurer, to be placed by him or her on the tax list for the current year, to be collected in the same manner as other taxes are collected, with a ten-percent penalty to defray the cost of collection, as provided by state law.  
(Prior code 12-1-3)