Sec. 5-2-20.   Grant of franchise.
   There is hereby granted to the Cooperative the right, privilege and authority to locate, build, construct, acquire, purchase, extend, maintain and operate into, within and through the City a plant or plants, substations and works for the purchase, generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, with the right and privilege for the period and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter specified to furnish, sell and distribute said electrical energy to the City and the inhabitants thereof, for light, heat and power or other purposes, by means of conduits, cables, poles with wires strung thereon, or otherwise on, over, under, along, across and through any and all streets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes and other public ways and places in the City and on, over, along, across and through any extension, connection with or continuation of the same and/or on, over, under, along, across and through any and all such new streets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes and other public ways and places as may be hereafter laid out, opened, located or constructed within the territory now or hereafter included in the boundaries of the City.
(Ord. 276 Art. II §1, 1990)