The Planning and Zoning Commission is created for the following purposes:
(1) To prepare and maintain, subject to periodic revision as necessary, a Master Plan as described by state statutes.
(2) To perform all functions and powers conferred upon it by the City of Creede Municipal Code.
(3) To study and recommend to the Board of Trustees amendments to the Zoning Map of the City.
(4) To study and recommend appropriate zoning classifications for all annexations to the City.
(5) To exchange information with the various governmental agencies charged with planning and zoning responsibilities and with the Board of Adjustment.
(6) To have all other duties and powers incidental to the above and any and all powers and duties set out by state statute, except that nothing herein shall permit the Planning Commission to make amendments or changes in the zoning of the City, such powers expressly being reserved by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 347 §1, 2008; Ord. 421 § 1, 2020)