Table 9-4-170 lists the uses allowed within all base zoning districts. Most uses are defined in Article 8, Definitions, for those uses that are undefined, §9-4-180, Classification of New and Unlisted Uses, shall serve as the process to define such term. Approval of a use listed in Table 9-4-170 and compliance with the applicable use-specific standards for that use authorizes that use only. Development or use of a property for any other use not specifically allowed in Table 9-4-170 and approved under the appropriate process is prohibited, unless determined by the City Manager that the proposed use is consistent with intent of the zone district.
(a) Permitted by right uses. "P" in a cell indicates that the use is permitted by right in the respective zoning district. Permitted uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this Code, including the use-specific standards in this Article.
(b) Special review uses. "S" in a cell indicates that, in the respective zoning district, the use is allowed only if reviewed and approved as a special review use in accordance with the procedures of §9-3-80, Special Review Uses. Special review uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this Code.
(c) Prohibited uses. A blank cell indicates that the use is prohibited in the respective zoning district.
(d) Use-specific standards. Regardless of whether a use is allowed by right or permitted as a special review use, there may be additional standards that are applicable to the use.
(Ord. 395 §3, 2016)