Purpose and Jurisdiction
   153.001   Title
   153.002   Authority
   153.003   Intent and purpose
   153.004   Interpretation
   153.005   Definitions
   153.006   Compliance
   153.007   Jurisdictional area
   153.008   Annexation
Establishment of Zoning District and Map
   153.020   Zone map
   153.021   District boundaries
   153.022   Zoning districts
Explanation of Use Classifications
   153.030   Official schedule of uses
   153.031   Permitted uses
   153.032   Special exception uses
   153.033   Accessory uses and structures
   153.034   Temporary uses and structures
   153.035   Nonconforming uses, lots and structures
Planned Unit Development Regulations
   153.045   Planned Unit Development (PUD)
   153.065   Enforcement authority
General Provisions and Regulations
   153.070   Performance standards
   153.071   Lot and yard requirements
   153.072   Floor area
   153.073   Height regulations
   153.074   Off-street parking and loading
   153.075   Mobile and manufactured homes (individual and subdivisions)
   153.076   Travel trailer parks
   153.077   Home occupations
   153.078   Adult entertainment businesses
   153.079   Confined feeding operations and concentrated animal feeding operations
   153.080   Sanitary landfills
   153.081   Wireless communications facilities
Signage Standards and Regulations
   153.090   Purpose
   153.091   Permit and fee requirements
   153.092   General limitations
   153.093   Exempt and incidental signs
   153.094   Specific limitations
   153.095   Calculating sign area
   153.096   Calculating sign height
   153.097   Specific signage standards
   153.098   Sign maintenance
   153.099   Sign inspection
   153.100   Sign removal
   153.101   Temporary signs
   153.102   Prohibited signs
Lighting Standards
   153.110   Lighting plan requirement
   153.111   Residential neighborhoods
   153.112   Non-residential developments
Fence and Wall Standards
   153.115   General standards
   153.116   Residential fence and wall standards
   153.117   Nonresidential fence and wall standards
Administration and Enforcement
   153.120   Administrative bodies and officials
   153.121   Administrative appeal
   153.122   Special exception use permit
   153.123   Variance
   153.124   Site development plan review
   153.125   Building permit
   153.126   Improvement location permit
   153.127   Certificate of occupancy permit
   153.128   Change of occupancy permit
   153.129   Address designations
   153.130   Expiration of petitions and permits
   153.131   Successors and assigns
   153.132   Amendments to zoning code and zoning map
   153.133   Fees
   153.134   (Reserved)
   153.135   Judicial review
   153.136   (Reserved)
   153.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Schedule or uses
   Appendix B: Parking schedule
§ 153.001 TITLE.
   The official title of this chapter is “Zoning Ordinance of Crawfordsville, Indiana and Contiguous Unincorporated Areas.”
(Ord. 4-2009, passed 3-9-09)
§ 153.002 AUTHORITY.
   This chapter is enacted by the City Council pursuant to its authority vested in I.C. 36-7-4-600 et seq., and other applicable state and federal statutes, as amended from time-to-time.
(Ord. 4-2009, passed 3-9-09)