Travel trailer parks are permitted in any district, subject to rezoning (Planned Unit Development) by the Plan Commission, provided that it complies with the requirements of this section:
   (A)   Approval by the state and county. Said travel trailer park (TTP) shall be subject to the approval of the Indiana State Board of Health and the County-City Health Sanitarian, to include but not limited to regulations concerning site review, drainage, sewage and waste disposal, water supply, stream and road setback lighting, and the like.
   (B)   Park size (minimum and maximum). The minimum lot area per park shall be five acres, with a maximum of 20 acres.
   (C)   Park ingress and egress. No TTP shall be located which does not have direct access to a county, state or federal highway. No entrance or exit shall be through a residential district, nor shall it require movement of traffic from the park through a residential district.
   (D)   Occupancy limitations. Spaces in the TTP shall be rented by the day or week only, while occupancy of such space shall not exceed 30 days during a 60 day period of time.
   (E)   Mobile home prohibited. Mobile homes shall not be permitted in the TTP district; however, the office of the manager may be a manufactured home type I or II.
   (F)   Incidental structures. Management headquarters, recreational facilities, toilets, showers, laundry facilities and other uses and structures customarily incidental to the operation of a TTP are permitted as accessory uses, provided that:
      (1)   Such establishments and parking areas primarily related to their operation shall not occupy more than 10% of the total area of the park.
      (2)    Such establishments shall be restricted in their use to occupants of the park.
      (3)    Such establishments shall present no visible evidence of their commercial character, which would attract customers other than occupants of the park.
   (G)   Proximity to a public right-of-way. No space shall be so located that any part intended for occupancy for sleeping purposes shall be within 50 feet of the right-of-way line of any freeway, express way or collector street, or within 25 feet of the right-of-way of any minor street.
   (H)   Proximity to a property line. Travel trailers and stands must be set back at least 15 feet when adjacent to a property line and 25 feet from any principal structure.
   (I)   Distance between trailers. There shall be at least 25 feet between trailers.
   (J)   Access road regulations. Access roads shall have the approval of the City Engineer and Street Commissioner, and shall meet the minimum standards set forth in the subdivision regulations. All access roads shall be of a dustless and durable surface.
   (K)   Internal street system. The internal street system shall have a right-of-way of not less than 25 feet for two-way and 18 feet for one-way traffic, and the radius on curves shall be 40 feet as required. All internal roads shall be of a dustless and durable surface. The internal street system in a travel trailer park shall be privately owned, constructed and maintained, and shall be designed for safe and convenient access to all spaces and to facilities for common use by park occupants.
   (L)   Landscaping requirement. The travel trailer park and its boundaries shall be adequately landscaped to provide a park-like appearance as determined by the Plan Commission prior to approval.
   (M)   Minimum number of off-street parking spaces. There shall be provided at least one off-street parking space for each travel trailer space.
   (N)   Shelter requirement. Each park shall be equipped with a structure of adequate construction to provide shelter for occupants from tornados and other sever weather conditions. The shelter shall be of sufficient size to accommodate a population equal to two and one half persons per site.
(Ord. 4-2009, passed 3-9-09)