§ 153.133 FEES.
   (A)   General. Reasonable fees sufficient to cover the costs of administration, inspections, publication of notice in all local newspapers and similar matter may be charged to applications and petitions filed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter requiring plan commission, board of zoning appeals, or the Planning Director’s approval. To this end, the fees established by the city official fee schedule shall apply.
   (B)   Waivers.
      (1)   ILP fee waived. In specific cases where a building permit and an ILP are required for a single, identical project, the ILP fee shall be waived. However, all building permit fees shall be paid.
      (2)   Interdepartmental applications. From time to time city departments may file for a permit required by this chapter. The fees associated with such permit or permits may be waived by the Planning Director. The Planning Director shall document said reason for waiving the applicable fee.
   (C)   Other conditions. The following conditions shall also apply:
      (1)   No part of any fee paid pursuant to this section shall be returnable to the applicant or petitioner nor transferable to another application or petition.
      (2)   Any person riling a petition for Plan Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals action shall assume the cost of public notice that is required.
      (3)   No application or petition shall be considered nor any permit issued unless the required fee is paid in full.
   (D)   Publication of planning documents. In addition to this chapter and the Subdivision Control Ordinance being codified along with all other chapters of the Municipal Code, these chapters shall also be published as separate documents available for public sale. Under no circumstances shall these separately published versions be considered to be official. The official version of the municipal code is found in the Code of Ordinances, published by the American Legal Publishing Corporation. The comprehensive plan and zoning maps shall also be published and available for sale. The fees for these documents are as established by the city official fee schedule.
(Ord. 4-2009, passed 3-9-09)