(A)   General. No occupancy or use shall take place on platted or unplatted land until a certificate of occupancy is issued by the Planning Director. The certificate of occupancy is intended to certify that improvements made according to an approved ILP/building permit were actually completed.
   (B)   Review. Once an improvement is made according to an approved ILP/building permit, but prior to its occupancy or use, the applicant shall notify the Building Inspector that a certificate of occupancy permit is requested. Within three working days of the certificate of occupancy permit request, the Building Inspector, or his or her designee, shall determine, through a physical inspection, whether the structure, improvement or use of land is in total compliance with the issued ILP and either:
      (1)   Approve. Approve the certificate of occupancy it the structure, improvement or use of land and its location conforms in every respect to the approved ILP, and return the validated certificate of occupancy to the applicant; or
      (2)   Reject. Reject the certificate of occupancy if the structure, improvement or use of land and its location fails in any way to conform to the approved ILP, and notify the applicant, in writing, specifying the reasons for the rejection, including specifying the areas of the completed development that are inconsistent with the approved ILP, and advising that the Planning Director’s decision may be appealed in accordance with § 153.121. In addition, the Planning Director shall proceed with the enforcement proceedings.
(Ord. 4-2009, passed 3-9-09)