14.601 Immoral purposes; solicitation; assignation; premises
14.602 Same; transportation of persons
14.603 Same; information or direction
14.604 Same; lease, use of places and the like
14.605 Adult clubs
14.606 Obscene material; display or sale
14.607 Indecent exposure; language
14.608 Peeping toms
14.609 Crime watch area; town designated
14.610 Disturbing the peace
14.611 Loitering
14.612 Same; violations
14.613 Public drunkenness
14.614 Intoxicating beverages; drinking in public
14.615 Interference with streets, sidewalks and the like
14.616 Spitting
14.617 School disturbances
14.618 Dance halls unlawful on Sundays
14.619 Fortune-telling
14.620 Begging; obstructing pedestrian or vehicular traffic
14.621 Drug paraphernalia prohibited
14.622 Bath salts and synthetic marijuana
Editor’s note:
This article derives, in part, from the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws and generally accepted municipal practices and appropriate state statutes.
It shall be unlawful for any person to invite, maintain or entice any person upon any street, public square or enclosure to accompany, go with or follow such person to any place for immoral purposes, or to incite, entice or address any person from any door, window, porch or portico of any house or building, to enter any house, go with or accompany such person to any place for immoral purposes.
(S.C. Code §§ 16-15-90 et seq.) (Prior Code, § 14.601)
It shall be unlawful for any person to transport, carry, convey or assist by aiding, abetting, encouraging, requesting or other, in transporting, carrying, conveying in or accompanying by any ways and means whatsoever any person for any immoral purpose.
(S.C. Code § 16-15-90) (Prior Code, § 14.602)